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Yamaha Stagepas 300 portable PA


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Just purchased a stagepas 300 pa system ( to repace a well used kustom profile system one )


according to the 'manual' its output power is specified as


150W+150W @10% thd

100W+100W @1% thd


however the mains power consumption is specified as 70W


assuming the amps are 85% efficient , Does this mean that this is realty a 30+30 W rms system ?

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Power consumption does not assume output power- just mearly tells you how much the unit consumes to power unit- as the manual suggests the unit delivers 2 x 100 whether this is PMPO or RMS I dont know (I assume its RMS as yamaha is a pro manufacturer) anyhow hope this clears up your question



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Power consumption does not assume output power- just mearly tells you how much the unit consumes to power unit...


But there's no way that something that consumes 70W from the mains supply can output more than 70W to the speakers. The power has to come from somewhere. In the case of devices that talk about PMPO then that power comes from the reservoir capacitors in the power supply - but I don't know of any decent gear that talks about PMPO in its specifications.





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But there's no way that something that consumes 70W from the mains supply can output more than 70W to the speakers. The power has to come from somewhere. In the case of devices that talk about PMPO then that power comes from the reservoir capacitors in the power supply - but I don't know of any decent gear that talks about PMPO in its specifications.


just had a look at the specs of this unit, it doesnt state that the 100 wpc are RMS tho from what I read (quickly) there appears to be a voicing switch for voice and music? im not sure what thats about, but with 10% THD theyre getting an extra 50wpc which isnt going to sound great so maybe thats the "voice" option? and this could be read as a PMPO?


in anycase I cant imagine it is 2 x 100w RMS but im happy to be proved wrong and as for the 70 watts consumption, I think it could all depend on the amplifier technology inside??? to be honest I dont know so im not going to say but im happy to stand corrected

YOu could email Yamaha and ask them????



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