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Avolites titan console network problems


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I am experiencing problems with networking an Avo Quartz and Titan Mobile. I have networked many times before with no issues. I am happy with setting IP's and creating the titan network. The problem is that the network is intermittently dropping out. The session constantly connects and disconnects. The network port also loses its lights suggesting that it has lost the connection. Is this an Avolites related issue, a problem with the driver for the laptops output or something else? Software versions are the same 10.1.


I have networked the quartz to another tiger touch and it works fine. The network port on the laptop works fine when used in a normal application. It seems to be specific to creating a titan session.


Related or perhaps unrelated. On the same titan mobile machine. I created a showfile in the Titan Simulator which seems to be unable to load onto other desks.


Any thoughts or suggestions.

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This sounds silly but have you tried a different network cable?

If the lights are going out on the port it means the physical connection has been lost. This is often a dodgy cable or a damaged RJ45 connector or socket


What is the setup of the network - switches, installed wiring, direct wire between the 2 devices?



What happens when you try to load this problem showfile to another console?

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I have tried another cable and the same problem occurs. Random drop out with network port lights going out.


I have created another LAN from laptop to laptop with no issues. So its not the cables or the port. It only happens when connecting the laptop to an Avo desk. I have used the Titan Mobile setup to run an ArtNet setup just last week. So fairly confident that its not a hardware issue.



When loading the showfile on to another desk the file comes up on the USB stick. Starts to load but then fails and comes up with an error message.


What do you think???

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What do you think???


Dunno, but it would help if you could answer the questions I asked before....


(1) What is the setup of the network, is it just 1 cable between the devices or is there other network gear and/or installed wiring involved.

(2) What happens when you try to load the show file. "Comes up with an error message" does not help find the problem - tell us what the error message says... I doubt this is related to your network problem though.

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the network setup is a direct patch between the devices. Sorry for not answering that. The LAN dropout occurs without Titan running.


Unfortunatly I cant tell you exactly what the error message says right now. I am currently in a show with the main desk being used.

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the network setup is a direct patch between the devices.


I cant tell you exactly what the error message says right now. I am currently in a show.


OK, error message would be handy to help identify the problem


Regarding the network have you tried putting a switch/hub in between.

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I have put a switch in between the desks and it seems to have done the trick. Fantastic. Thanks for your help with that. I must admit I do nut understand why that helps but very handy to know.


I will try loading a show at the end of the day and give you the correct error message to help identify the problem.

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I have put a switch in between the desks and it seems to have done the trick. Fantastic. Thanks for your help with that. I must admit I do nut understand why that helps but very handy to know.


Ah good, I've had problems before when linking 2 devices directly by cable (not with Avo desks particularly). The ethernet hardware has to auto-reverse the connections internally and I am not always sure it works. Putting a switch or hub in does the reversal for you - used to be the case that devices would not auto-reverse at all and you always had to put a hub inline between 2 devices.


There are various other possible reasons too .. could be a speed incompatibility between the 2 devices, one is trying to do gb ethernet and the other can't or something like that.

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For the network problem I agree with Tim that this would usually be a cable or socket issue. Certainly hardware related - I would recommend calling Avo service about this.


Regarding the show load issue was the show saved using the same software version?


Yes the show has been saved in the same software version

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Yes, always use a switch. And it should be a gigabit switch. Crossover cable sometimes works but have never used it with Titan.


Technically you should not need to use a switch or a crossover cable as the ethernet PHY devices can auto-reverse the connections... I think there must be a slight fault here somewhere which is causing the problem.

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I have put a switch in between the desks and it seems to have done the trick. Fantastic. Thanks for your help with that. I must admit I do nut understand why that helps but very handy to know.


Ah good, I've had problems before when linking 2 devices directly by cable (not with Avo desks particularly). The ethernet hardware has to auto-reverse the connections internally and I am not always sure it works. Putting a switch or hub in does the reversal for you - used to be the case that devices would not auto-reverse at all and you always had to put a hub inline between 2 devices.


At a pinch a full crossover cable should work removing the need for the switch. I have some for just this reason - handy for doing "laplink" style file transfers.


Edit: I see this has already been suggested as a possible fix.

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At a pinch a full crossover cable should work removing the need for the switch. I have some for just this reason - handy for doing "laplink" style file transfers.

Edit: I see this has already been suggested as a possible fix.


Crossover cables are not needed any more, any recent ethernet device (last 10 years) will auto-reverse one end if you use a straight cable. It is built into all PHY chips used in ethernet adaptors.

I suspect the switch is doing something else, maybe fixing a speed incompatibility or a one-legged connection or something.

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