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Everything posted by Hieronymus

  1. Oh I'm so thrilled I've found this website and project! I'm looking for DIY com system for doing live video registrations. At the moment we have to rent the whole setup and the com system is useally the part that's not offered by many suppliers. Limitting our options. It's for charity so the budget is thight. We like to build a base station (for 2 headsets) and 4 beltpacks. I've read the whole topic so I know it's a bit too late for design suggestions ;-) For video the ability to add a tally signal (An extra light that can be mounted on the camera that indicates if it's on air or not) would be very nice. Most video switchers have output for this. I'd like to hear your ideas for such an option. If I have to add/hack/change stuff later, after I made the com system, that's fine. Just like to see if it's possible.
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