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Which hazer?


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You are correct about the water/glycol but, contrary to your comment, this form of artificial smoke creates the largest particles (approx 20micron) & therefore would theoretically be harder to push an image through. That is why oil based such as the DF-50 are well known for their more transparent qualities and ability to create more 'delicate' effects (In comparison oil based 'smoke' particles are approximately only 1 micron). Large particles also = heavier which is why oil based will hang in an auditorium much longer than water/glycol.


However, I'm sure that you will be fine projecting through the water/glycol so long as it's not too dense! With oil there is always the big problem of residue and for this reason I may well reluctantly move to the Unique machine myself.

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Just to be awkward, having used both a DF50 and a Look Pro recently, and having seen goodness knows what other types of hazer over the past few months, for stand alone easy to use niceness, I'd go for a DF50.


Controlling what you want out of the Look Pro, I have found to be difficult, I couldn't get a happy medium between no haze and too much the firat time I tried to use one, the second I got close, setting the haze output to 10% and the fan to 100%, but still used a secondary fan to disperse the cloud effectivley, and had to place it really into the set, almost to being able to see it from the desk, to get what I wanted.


The DF50 just sits in a corner of the stage, gets turned on and does it's thing. Just don't tip it over, and it does leave a fine film of oil behind, but that's life.


Saying that, having seen a pair of look pros used to good effect coupled with a pair of AF-1 fans, going from smoke filled bar to almost smoke free for the next scene was impressive, and being able to reverse that.

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I swear by the le maitre nuetron, used minimal fluid, and outdoors this thing fills up your tents and the band loves it as well since its not a big cloud of crap rollin towards the lead singer which always happens..


Also when your unit starts up and it smells, take the little drill bit out of the side of the unit and gently clean out that pipe that gets real hot.


your unit will not stink up the place on start up.. and will work like new again!!!


also make sure that plug for the overflow bottle in there is firmly in place otherwise you get a nice slippery puddle underneath your hazer..

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Just to add my bits to this conversation. The DF50 is being dropped by a lot of hire companies because of COSHH regulations. Spraying a fine oil mist into the air is frowned upon. We use The Look Systems Unique hazer with some sucsess. It is worth buying the deflector thingy for the front.



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I just ordered the Look Unique from White Light Group. The Unique II is imminent, and apparently only a cosmetic change and a different fan, so I was able to get an excellent deal! Talk to Andrew if you're interested... they've only got two left.
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  • 4 weeks later...
I have a Le Maitre Neutron Hazer XS and it is a serious bit of kit, very economical and a great effect. DMX control is a bonus too! Plus its small so easy to transport and to site on the stage.

Well, they're certainly small and compact - but the things that really put me off the Neutron hazers are the way that the DMX control of haze level is sketchy at best, and the annoying habit that it has of dropping into its 'cleaning cycle' at inopportune moments.



There is a "NO CLEAN" chip available

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