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how hard is it to make it???


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Hi there...


I'm British, but I currently live and work in France, in a music and sound equipment shop, and do FOH sound for three different bands on weekends, as well as stage manager and FOH sound tech for the local venues...


I have been mixing live events for about three years now, and have at least 100 concerts under my belt, maybe even 150, I've lost count.


I have worked with many well known French bands, and even some international ones, and up till now, I don't seem to have disappointed anyone, so I'm pretty sure I'm good at what I do...


The thing is that I live and work in a fairly remote area of France, and the career prospects aren't really very encouraging..

So, I've been considering moving back to the UK; London to be specific, but I'm really not aware of the professional situation there at the moment...

I mean, I'm perfectly aware I'm not going to walk out of Heathrow airport, trip over a guy carrying a guitar, go down to the pub and sign a 150 gig contract with him, but I would think the prospects for working with a band that might actually get somewhere are slightly better than where I am now, aren't they??


Anyway, I was just hoping to get some of your opinions on this career move, and if any of you think it's wise, or not, and I would be interested at the same time to hear some of your stories on how you got into the business yourselves...



Thanks a lot...

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I know it isn't what you're asking, but are you SURE you would rather live in London than the south of France? I guess it's a priorities thing, and I don't know your experience of the UK, but I know where I'd rather live!
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I was kind of expecting this....


If it was just about lifestyle, of course I would stay here, but profesionally speaking, I'm not exactly in the music and cultural Capital of the world...


And, just to add, I'm only 23, and have been in music and on stage for about 8 years now, so it's not too late to come back to the sunny south if it doesn't work out...



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<SNIP>.... profesionally speaking, I'm not exactly in the music and cultural Capital of the world...


No, I'll grant you that! I'd imagine your French is pretty good, whch can't be a bad thing for any job. You should bear in mind that London isn't the only place to look for a job in the industry, it'll certainly be fun affording somewhere to live whilst looking for a job.


All sounds a bit Oliver doesn't it? Steer clear of small boys who offer you accomodation with 'a nice old gent'. ;-)

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I've just moved back from the South of France to the UK and have had shed loads more work because of it. Note: I'm in a different part of the industry, corporate audio visual. It may be very different in the music sector.


As to moving back - glad I done it really, the south of France is nice for a holiday but I really didn't get on to well down there (probably my fault and not trying to intergrate enough).

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  • 1 month later...

Well, I'm planning to move back in 2006. Just wanted to bring the topic back up, and get some more opinions on where to start, apart from sending C.V's everywhere...

I mean, for the FOH sound ops on here, how did you get in to the business?

If I get a job for a rental company, which I haven't done before, will I have any free time to prospect with bands etc??


Thanks for any opinions, it is a BIG career and life move, so I appreciate any advice I can get...

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It's my understanding, from talking and being amongst other techs, that alot of us soundies are of the freelance breed. I only do it part time because I'm an acoustic consultant during the day. (Vampire by night :) :mods: :) )

I got into the sound engineering malarky via a big church in Cambridge, where some of the guys there work in pro production companies too - that helped


Infact, I think for most disciplines it is the same in terms of being freelance based.


Send your details to some of the crew companies - offer your services.


What do the more Experienced think?

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