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Stage management interviews

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As Paul says, first impressions matter. More than you think, and more than they should. If you make a good impression when you walk in the door, then that's half the battle won. If, on the other hand, you make an immediate bad impression, it's going to be an uphill battle.


But that's not just about clothes - it's about attitude, and how comfortable/confident you appear. And how well the panel think you'd fit in.


I'll never forget one interview we did. The candidate had been waiting outside the interview room for a few minutes. But when we went out to ask him to come in, he was gone. He reappeared a few minutes later, saying "I thought it would be a good idea to find out where the fire exits were, just in case....".


He then reached over to shake my hand, sat down, missed the chair and ended up lying on his back on the floor.


And then, his opening statement was "If by any chance I should be unsuccessful in this interval, would you be prepared to tell me where I've gone wrong...."


He actually did fairly well in the interview, but it was obvious that my colleagues had immediately marked him as unappointable.



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I've just finished training at Bristol......


When I had my interviews I didn't wear a suit, but I definately went smart. Look like you've made an effort, that's really important.


As for portfolios, its great to be able to take something you're proud of and something you feel you can talk about. I remeber Bristol not being so interested in what I took - they said they just wanted to get an idea of the kind of person I was but they still looked at my stuff!


As far as interviews go...Make an effort - write some notes for questions so when they ask if you have any questions you're prepared. They're usually impressed if you get a bit of paper out!!! :( Be yourself, be friendly and most importantly believe in your abilities, though don't be big headed!!!** laughs out loud **!!!

Its all obvious stuff. Good luck with the interviews though.


I see you got into Bristol congrats!!

If you wanna know anything about the course just ask me - I loved it there.

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