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Since my hassle with them, I've simply avoided buying from them where I can - in fact I just ordered a large order form somebody else, even though they were about 7% more expensive. Despite promising to sort out my query they didn't. My last phone call was to ask why I'd had a repeat invoice when I'd used a credit note to pay it. Their answer was the credit note had already been used to fix the previous invoice that had been cancelled and re-invoiced at a different price. It seems that when they send you a credit note, you can't actually assume it is 'spare' - in most cases they issue one to cover a cancelled invoice that has been done again. If, like me, you had a series of months with credits debits and differences in price you lose track. I asked why do they send a credit note when it gets used by them without any interaction by me? The answer was that this is just the way it is done. Their promise of a fax of all my transactions with clear indications of what went on never happened, but as their accounts dept goes, about par for the course. The snag is I like their range of kit, I like their prices, but their accounts dept borders on incompetent. I'm pretty sure I've ended up out of pocket - but I can't prove it and they won't help. I've decided to just write this one off - too much stress.
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To follow up.

Just had my order delivered FINALLY.


And it gets better.

in with my order were 5 16a ceeform sockets. price at about £1.50 a piece.

amazed today when I received my invoice for £857.10 instead of £246.63.


I had been charged for 5 IP67 125A 3 phase sockets instead at £105.49 each. this woudln't have been so bad if I had been sent these as they could have been swapped. However I had been sent the 16a single phase ones.

A phone call and 20 minutes on hold saw them crediting my account. Luckily whilst I've been charged a fortune I've not been left EVEN LONGER WITHOUT SOME OF MY STUFF. THAT would HAVE BEEN ANNOYING!.......




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Guess what!


Another bill from CPC today - last order date 2005? so couldn't work it out again.


It turned out to be an order from 1st October - the one when everybody got invoices at the wrong amount. Seems that the re-invoiced, re-invoiced, re-invoice had a fire wire card on it and they forgot.


I spoke to AMANDA WHITTLE, who explained that it was a invoicing problem by a manager who has now 'left' and they have been audited and need to recover the money. I exploded on the phone. I said I could happily forgive a co*k up, even forgive a co*k up of the co*k up repair, but not when they do it 4 times, and every promise that my account is clear is then followed by a statement saying it is not!


I pointed out that every effort of one of their sales people (Dear Mr B) is thwarted by an accounts department that is at least incompetent, if not careless and unprofessional. I mentioned in my fit of rage that I was going to include todays example of their inefficiency on the Blue Room. Then Amanda agreed to cancel the invoice. I asked her if she was sure and it would be done? and she said it would be!


So hopefully, I won't need to add more to this saga next month. I did point out in my diatribe that I had all the dates, times and people I'd spoken to, all the incorrect credit notes and re-invoiced invoices and this would make splendid reading if they chose to take me to court! So it was either this or mention of the BR that did it - I know not which. I've spent over five grand since Christmas on kit I'd normally have got from them - annoyingly a large amount went to Germany - you can guess who.


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Dare I post? Ah ... here goes! IF any of you guys have serious problems with CPC there are a few avenues for you to follow:


1) Contact our sales office

2) Contact Sophie Birch on 08701 20 25 30

3) Use the PM to contact me - and I will do my best to sort the problem out. I must stress however I do not have any responsibility for the sales or accounts departments - we are a large company and from time to time there are errors.



I can only apologise for the problems encountered by our customers (Paul I will PM you)


Best Regards


Chris Beesley

Product Manager - CPC

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  • 3 weeks later...

oddly enough ive had two very different experiences with cpc, as I have two seperate accounts with them.


my first account has always run smoothly, every order arriving on time, every invoice correct, however my company's account has been doomed from day one. firsts of all it took almost a month to set up the account, as they lost my paperwork no less than 11 times, and every order I've made has either had items missing or items on the invoice completely unrelated to anything ive ever ordered. I dont know whether they have seperate teams working at their head office office, or my buisness account has been jinxed but something isn't right.


-chris- <_<

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Well the fun goes on doesn't it!


A complete c*ck up in the accounts department was to blame for my earlier issues I'm told.

So, I order a few things online, to be delivered standard delivery, nothing out of the ordinary. Normal Credit card, normal address, a mere £73.88


A week on and I phone to see where my order was, needless to say I was not in the slightest bit shocked that things had not gone according to plan.

I was told exactly the same thing as last time. (cannot deliver to a different address than that on the card.)

I replied with the same as last time and the guy on the phone interupted me. He said. I know what you are going to say and I can only apologise for this mistake. there is no reason why you can't have this delivered anywhere in the WORLD.

He put me through to the accounts department who failed to speak to me when they answer the phone. I did however get to listen to a joke about a group of Spanish footballers which was nice. I was then cut off.

I phoned the accounts department back direct to find an answer with no speaking again. I tried a 3rd time and was greeted by someone who clearly found it difficult to speak. this is not a personal attack but I often find the ability to pronounce words a bonus when your job is based around the telephone.


I was informed that the order could be resubmitted and was asked what type of delivery I would like on this. I had to stop myself from saying June 2008 so again opted for the standard delivery.

My account had been credited from the last error so rather than pay by card I decided to pay from that. no doubt I'll not see my order without a bit more hassle.


I told the person in accounts that it is standard procedure to inform a customer if there is something wrong with the order and on both ocasions (not to mention other issues in the past) they have not said a word. this has left me sat on my arse waiting.


I would like to personall thank D*** in the accounts department for carrying out the cancellations on both my last orders and then failing to inform me.



Rob (slightly annoyed)

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Hi Rob,


Have you got this sorted?? If not please drop me a PM with your account number & phone number and I will chase this up for you.


Best Regards


Chris Beesley

Product Manager - CPC


p.s. If anybody is experiencing problems with CPC please please please contact Sophie on the number posted earlier in this thread.

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erm... I'm having a slightly different problem!


I've asked accounts to stop sending literature to a cash account that I used a while ago, this wouldnt be a problem... if it wasn't being sent to my ex's house!


I was told to email and this'd be sorted... but she's still getting the mail!


ringing again on monday

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  • 6 months later...

well it appears things have been calm since April, but here we go again.


Luckily (hopefully) this time its only a minor issue.


Having ordered something with CPC (to the sum of about £250 or so) on Friday I get an e-mail today saying the order has been cancelled (familiar?).


I am told I need to supply a land line telephone number with my order. I've never needed to in the last 5 years, the reason I put my mobile number is because if they need to get in touch they can, if they phone at home 95% of the time I wont be in. Now if the order form said, THIS MUST BE A LAND LINE NUMBER then a land line number is what they would get. I am however supposed to guess this.


So here we are once again with another delayed order. Who knows what will happen next.







also why is cancelled putting a red line under it? if I put it to canceled it has no red line but on clicking check spelling it is wrong and corrects to cancelled which incidentally is correct therefore putting the red line back.

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Still struggling with this order.


Cancelled yet again. I'm awaiting someone in management calling me back. It'll be within the hour anyway and I only called at 10 so not so bad...............


I'm now stuck for stuff, actually I was stuck for it today, I really needed it today at the latest hence the faster delivery option. So now I have had to buy certain things on the order from elsewhere costing me an extra £65 to what it would from CPC.

Thanks CPC. Once again you have proved to me that if you actually need something, go somewhere else.




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I have to say, I like CPC - good range of useful stuff, especially connectors, at low prices.


However, it seems that everyone who has dealt with them over time has a few tales to tell - the best I have experienced (so far!) was to order a pair of monitor speakers that I needed for a special performance evening. What turned up a day before the gig? a pair of ...pressure washers!


I had to laugh once I'd stopped being annoyed but they still make minor errors on a regular basis - if you ask me, they need to get someone to pick the orders, then get someone else to check what's been picked against a description of the items, not just against the stock numbers.


It would take a lot to stop me using them though - and the Catalogue is a great doorstop!

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