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Whats On Your Desk?


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- An IDE cable


You need a bigger rubbish bin ;)


I must admit, that after reading some of the posts above, my desk is rather tidy :o


The nice things:


Of course there is the computer, (Mini tower)

17" Monitor

32" Sony Bravia TV

A pair of Acoustic Solutions speakers, connected to a Sony HiFi, that has replaced 3 drawers in the desk.

Lexmark Printer

Genius 100MHz Network switch


The not so nice things:


A pile of A4 paperwork that is 'Pending'

Another pile of A4 paperwork, that 'Should have been sorted ages ago, but I'll get round to it in the next few years ..decades.


The deadly things:



Smoking equipment, such as tobacco, filters and Rizla's.

Glass of wine (Considering it's a day off and 1am).



Oh, and Nik's (the dog) moulting, so there's bl00dy fur everywhere.

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For once I can reply without too much embarrassment!


2 x Mobile phone interference receivers (they say "studio monitor" on the back, I'm not so sure)

Hard drive


Audio interface


Mac mini

Cameras x2

Notebook (the paper type)

Pot of pens

Phone charger



and that's about it for a change!

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Mines pretty tidy at the moment.


Its just got my laptop, desktop pc (well the monitor, keyboard, mouse and speakers), a half empty (Or is it half full :** laughs out loud **: ) can of coke, two remotes and my mobile phone.


Normly its the above plus a jumple of documents and paper, a couple of clip folders, a large ringbinder, keys, a small collection of empty oasis bottles, and various other bits and peices

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A hell of a lot of brochures from PLASA!!!!! :** laughs out loud **:


Learn to use the Internet a little better, then you won't need the brochures. :D



Did the same thing myself a couple of years ago at Plasa Focus in Leeds.


yeah, but theres still nothing better than having a pile of catalogues etc to flick through, an e-catalogue just isnt the same...

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yeah, but theres still nothing better than having a pile of catalogues etc to flick through, an e-catalogue just isnt the same...

Yeah, exactly. It is easier to compare a Martin, Robe & Clay Paky's 500w fixtures, for example, by having the feature list from each brochure in front of you. Although I do feel bad about the amount of paper that will essentially be binned in a year or so. :** laughs out loud **:

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