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Al Cain

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I have heard all of your thoughts, and the school is a registered charity, and we have absolutly no budget, but as one of you have said, the equipment will return in very good condition, and we will pay for replacement lamps etc.


Any other thoughts??


If you looked at the bottom of my post, that is the best way to go about it. Local businesses are often really happy to support the schools that their children go to. Things like chemists, supermarkets, hardware shops etc. Approach them about monetry donations (maybe with a pair of comps for the owners). You usually have to do this months in advance in some places as they go to upper management, or they may only deal in vouchers which you then have to raffel off or something. Program credits mean a hell of a lot more to them than it would to a theatrical hire place. The program credits for local businesses may just get them a few extra clients. Theatrical hire places don't work on joe public knowing about them. They rely on word of mouth, business directories, sole dealer contracts etc. Once you get money from the donations, approach the hire place and see what they can do for the money you have. Tell them what you want, and what sort of budget you have. If you are paying, they may be more inclined to give you a few things for a lower price, or throw in a few of the items for free.


While I agree with what you are saying to a point, the more people that do this then the more that people expect it. We have quoted for jobs in the past that we have not got because they have found someone else that can do it cheap by calling in a few favours. We don't have a problem with not getting a job because someone else can offer a better price in a fair market but how do you beat someone that is only charging for his time and supplying the kit by calling in favours.


I think you need to look at the context I am talking about. I am talking low/no budget shows. The sort that are in it more for the art or enjoyment than for the profit. They could never afford a pro company/person, and in many cases, if they ring you, you have the job. As I said in that posts 'example situation' one of those shows I did not get paid for. The other, if you are interested, was going to make me use substandard kit if I could not find something. The sort of thing I am talking about is 1/2 a step up from AmDram and in many ways a step back (budget wise), not remotely 'truely' professional gigs. Always full price with them. If I do call in favours, I use it to go that extra 10 feet and get return business, or to increase my profits if the moths in my wallet are getting hungry.

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Since the licensing law changes at the end of last year you can tell the council that you are holding a temporary event in a building which does not in itself have a licence. It costs a small amount of money but unless the council object they cannot do anything.


Have a google on Temporary Event Notices or TENs.

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