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MIDI interference


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leads seem ok - wired:


DIN plug surround - Din plug surround







I appear to have been suffering from fat finger syndrome with my multi meter - ignore above results. :)


LX Desk IN - Pin 3 is earthed - This one seems odd to me?


LX Desk OUT & Thru - Pin 2 is earthed


when referring to sheild I meant the metal surround of the DIN plug not pin 2.


By all accounts the wiring on the MIDI ports on the desk seems fine apart from pin3 on the IN port being earthed.


I reckon that the firmware on the LX desk is not ignoring the junk that other units would - apart from changing desks - is there any way of filtering the MIDI signal integrity on its way in? is there a little black box out there that will banish the junk to wence it came and only let throgh the good stuff?


I've managed to resolve this by running the MIDI in for the LX desk via the THRU port of my sound desk - this seems to clean up the MIDI signal enough for the LX desk to remain happy.


Thanks for all your help on this folks - I'd still like to find an interface that does away with the junk altogether but I think that's a battle for next week!

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No one has picked up on a detail in the first post


We have been experiencing LX desk crashes – which always happened at the same point in the show –


The question is, what happens at that point in the show? Is it repeatable to one point?



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That was the only cue in the show that was fired by MIDI - quite often the interference from turning the air con off at the start of the show would send out some junk that would cause the LX desk to hang the NEXT time a COHERENT MIDI message was sent. V difficult to replicate as this only occured occasionally - desk was fine for 90% of shows. Managed to catch it once by running a series of 'pretend' cues in the background of the desk - giving me a visual of exactly when the desk was crashing - it was the exact moment the MIDI command for the cue was sent. run the show all day and it doesn't crash at that moment - go for the evening and it does - only difference? - Bloody air con!
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LX Desk IN - Pin 3 is earthed - This one seems odd to me?

Yep, thats broken, and probably the root of the problem. Since you've got two desks and they're presumably both the same this isn't a fault, but a feature.


It is possible it is just manufacturer stupidity rather than wilfull standard non-compliance, so it may be that this is the only problem. So you could try a custom lead, with pin 3 unconnected at the non-compliant input socket. A short plug-to-socket lead would be most sensible, as it means you dont have something that looks like a MIDI lead is is custom wired...


Try it and let us know....

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LX Desk IN - Pin 3 is earthed - This one seems odd to me?

Yep, thats broken, and probably the root of the problem. Since you've got two desks and they're presumably both the same this isn't a fault, but a feature.


It is possible it is just manufacturer stupidity rather than wilfull standard non-compliance, so it may be that this is the only problem. So you could try a custom lead, with pin 3 unconnected at the non-compliant input socket. A short plug-to-socket lead would be most sensible, as it means you dont have something that looks like a MIDI lead is is custom wired...


Try it and let us know....


That lead as described a few posts above is also NOT a midi lead!


The din surround should not be connected to the screen, and ONLY pins 2,4 & 5 should be wired, there is gear out there that does funky things with the other two pins, IIRC some midi gear even puts power on the unused ones, shades of Pulsars trick with the "second data link pair" of a DMX cable spring to mind.


A correct midi lead is NOT interchangeable with a standard 5 pin din, sometimes the 5 pin din lead works but as you have discovered, sometimes it don't.


Leaving pin 2 open at the receiver might be an idea as well (it is supposed to be unconnected internally in the desk, but...).


Regards, Dan.

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