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What about a how-to-make-a-DIY-lowfogger using a chilly bin and ice sort of thing? You know, the one with the chicken-mesh tube thru the middle and the ice surrounding it...


They get trained in thinking up a concept of how to make the smoke hug the ground, and the time to build it and processes etc. Plus the satisfaction if seeing something they helped build in use on the show?


Just thinking out loud



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Guest mattladkinlx
Hay at 10, I was designing my first show thanks! Not all 10 year olds are mindless baffoons! :D :D


Well in that case, I envy you and the opportunities you've had. I'm now nearly 17 and the only experience I've had is picking up tips through am-dram and teaching myself from books/videos/photos and of course the BlueRoom. And I'm the most proficient LD at school! Ah well, I mostly do sound anywho (which I have a lot more experiece of).




Im 17 at the moment (4 months from my 18th) and yes have also taught myself lighting. Like you I have done Amdram stuff and am also the most competent LD in the school.


The reason I am able to light the number of shows I do (around 15 - 20 per year including dance, plays, musicals, live events and music performances) is through my contacts and reputation (from one show I did in February, I have got another 6 shows to light between now and Christmas just from that show!)


If you want to go into this as a career (as I do) then experience and making good contacts is the best way to get there (along with a good education and talent!).


I look back on some of my first designs and think what an earth was I thinking because if I had done the same show now I wouldnt have used a rig comprising of mainly PAR cans simply because they were the most powerful lanterns in the rig!


Anyway slighty off topic there, so I apologise in advance!


Matt :D

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** laughs out loud ** a DIY fogger would be fun but we the aim it to teach them how to use their kit so it would really be relevent. I appreciate your input though.





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You have made some very true remarks about the industry.


There is alot of polotics involved, but keep working at it!

It's alot of work, and a rollercoaster ride, there is alot to learn.

The best advice I can give is listen, learn, (note my signiature), and keep your eyes open to light.

And read alot.

Francis Reid's books, and Fred Bentham's art of light are a good place to start, but keep up with the technology, It is moving at an alarming rate...


I would be honoured, if you stick at it, to join you on the FOH tower at Glastonbury, someday, as a young LD, with fresh Ideas.


Kris Lehane. LD.

(avolites website...)


All the best luck in the world. K.

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