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Dynacord cms or Allen & Heath mixwixard ?


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I know the GL mixer would be a good option but I really want to keep it compact.


I have thought more about the true stereo option though, and that would be nice to have, maybe I should look along the lines of the 14-4-2 with an effects unit.


Okay, this is where you need to sit down, take a deep breath and work out a list of input and output routings to see exactly what your mixer needs to have now and would be nice to have in the future. Warning: it is a truism of mixing that you always need two more inputs and outputs than you have, so don't skimp. Your need for stereo depends entirely on the range of instruments and playback devices you have/may have in the future. Remember, you can always use two mono inputs for a stereo source, but it's less easy to go the other way around! It's easy for us to tell you that A&H make great mixers for the money; it's less easy to give good advice on the detailed configuration that's best for you without knowing your situation.


How much is a good effects unit?


What effects do you need? How many channels of them? As per a previous poster, the TC Electronics M-One is one (pun intended) I often recommend, but this can vary depending what you want to do with it.


And at the risk of asking to many questions does anyone have any views on what cables to connect between mixer and speakers, is it worth spending the extra for something like the van den hull?


Since you've not mentioned amps I assume the Fohhn cabinets you've purchased are active? If so, any decent quality cable will be fine...there's no need or advantage in going for exotic "audiophile" stuff. I don't know van den hull but if they make any special claims for their cables then it's probably snake oil. On the other hand, if I've missed something and you have separate amps, the the most important things for amp to speaker cabling is an adequate cross sectional size for the power they have to handle. Again, audiophile exotica will do nothing for you.




Edited to fix messed up quotes. It's still before noon and I'm lacking caffeine.

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And at the risk of asking to many questions does anyone have any views on what cables to connect between mixer and speakers, is it worth spending the extra for something like the van den hull?
I don't know what the "van den hull " costs, but all you need is a large cross sectional area, and flexible. Look at mains flex, 1.5 - 2.5mm sq will do for most applications in your sort of scale. High spec cable is usually supplied packed in snake-oil.


Barry mentioned that the speakers were active in his initial post so he just needs good quality two core screened cable to the speakers. I seem to remember Van Den Hul was a hifi brand where you will almost certainly be spending more money supporting the advertising hype rather than the product itself. Maybe you were thinking of Van Damme who make more reasonably priced professional audio cables although I still feel that you are paying a premium for their brand. The longest lasting cables that I have are made from standard RS braided screen microphone cable which was available for around 50p per metre. These have lasted for around 25 years of gigging although they've tended to stay in the studio more recently.





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Barry mentioned that the speakers were active in his initial post so he just needs good quality two core screened cable to the speakers.


You know, I re-read the OP twice this morning and missed the reference to active both times. I told you I needed more caffeine!


Decent quality 2 core screened it is! I had a look at the van den hul web site and it seems to be a funny mix...they "talk the hifi talk" but seem to have a range of more pro stuff like AES cables and so on. In any case, I'd I'd stick to decent...but ordinary...professional cable.



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I had a look at the van den hul web site and it seems to be a funny mix...they "talk the hifi talk" but seem to have a range of more pro stuff like AES cables and so on. In any case, I'd I'd stick to decent...but ordinary...professional cable.


The Van den Hull site has enough Audiophile serpent lubricant present to ensure perpetual motion ;-)


I particularly liked the vehicle ignition cable that reduces the need for oil changes and makes the engine smoother....

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Look at mains flex, 1.5 - 2.5mm sq will do for most applications in your sort of scale. High spec cable is usually supplied packed in snake-oil.
Barry mentioned that the speakers were active in his initial post
:unsure: Doh! Yeah, what they said... Good balanced cable can be had from all sorts of places at considerably less that £1/m.
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I have read and taken in everything, made my decision, and now brought a Allen & heath 16:2 mixer with all the necessary standard cables from a blue room member, Mark Payne, who did a very good price for me.


I am also just about to book to go on his course so I can learn how to use it, I only have basic mixing skills.



Thanks for all the info, what a great site.




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  • 2 years later...
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Er, you HAVE noticed that the original question was asked and answered almost 3 years ago?


In any case, if you're going to post it would be useful if you'd list WHY you prefer the Dynacord rather than just say it wins. I personally feel the other way (and, ages ago posted what I like better about the A&H) but everyone is entitled to an opinion. However, topics like this are only useful if they go into more detail than "I like it better".


How do you get on mixing with the rather limited EQ and short faders? Those two things are deal breakers for me.



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