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Brisbane, Australia Fly Tickets


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Could one of the antipodeans please tell us what "dogging" is down there? It is NSFW to Google it here...

The equivalent job description in our part of the world would be "banksman/slinger".

Theres a definition here (on the site that Mac posted a link to).





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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Sim.


I've just e-mailed someone here in Sydney (who runs accredited training courses) asking where you can go to get your ticket in Bris. I'll get back to you with an answer when I have it (should be tomorrow).


And by the way 'a banksman/slinger' here would be something we would wonder about (although you can see where it would come from) - on the old wharves (wharfs?) a peson would be working on the "Bank" and "slinging" the load for delivery into the hold of a ship perhaps?


I think the term 'dog' in seafaring terms refers to the handles on a hatch. ergo, a 'Dogman' would be the person responsible for the loading and securing of the vessels cargo?





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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey all


I just this week have been looking into obtaining some accreditation for my self (I live and work in Brisbane) and through the company I work for was refereed to this company called "more skills"




looks like they do all levels of qualifications. I am waiting to hear back from them as to what level I would need for general indoor rigging.


Hope that helps.

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