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Computer Controlled DMX With Wing Panel


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To be perfectly honest tux, why bother :). The Behringer one (BCF2000) is great as it is, with motorised faders and a couple of buttons above each fader for go/flash etc. It'd probably be more use developing some software that worked with it to allow you to page through multiple playbacks, as the faders move into place, you just need some software they can control properly.




I rather had this idea a while back, but never got around to finishing the software to support it. The BCF2000 is just a midi control surface with a normal USB MIDI interface outputting configurable messages for each fader/knob/button.


I don't think there is any lighting control software out there that supports it at present, certainly not with playback bank paging. It has a foot pedal input, so you could build yourself a rolacue-alike with some sort of frame or box, a rotary step switch wired as a pot, and a piece of white plastic pipe as the cue roller. I hope that wouldn't be some sort of patent violation.


My current best guess for 'hacking' it into any existing lighting software with no MIDI support would be to write a MIDI control message to ArtNet converter program.


I rather worry the motorised faders might be a bit loud for theatrical applications.

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