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Wizard of Oz - Twister!


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I think a rotating stage with strobe lights from different angles, and with smoke being blowing about with big fans.

As Ynot said earlier,


OK - first things first...

You don't have to simulate any idea of spinning, as many people tend to - this is a mistake, though maybe an understandable one.


Think of what conditions actually exist around a twister, and all but the actual centre is most likely going to be high speed wind travelling in one direction.

so a rotating stage wouldn't look right.


With regards to blowing straw across stage, would you be able to project a video of bits flying round?


And, if you have a gauze, how about having strobes behind it. A quick flash behind the gauze shouldn't be enough to show up crew/set behind it, and may give it a more 'thunder through clouds' feeling.


Ultimately, the decision lies with the director as nick said, but take all these ideas along to the meeting as a method of creating what he/she may want.


EDIT: Sorry to Thomas (the kid) who suggested video earlier, but I didn't see it.

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yep, I agree. In a very quick chat with the assistant director today, he mentioned they were thinking of using projection to project bits flying around, exactly as you said.


This has all given me some excellent ideas to give them... as a couple of you stated, this is really a scenic issue- not a lighting one, but I wanted to have some stuff to take back to them rather than just say "I can't do it with lighting".


I really appreciate the excellent ideas.

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Ive seen a twister made for an oz production, and it was very effective. the actually twister part was made where the orchestra pit was, two large fans were pointed at the audience, so they felt some wind, not so powerfully to move their programmes or anything, but you could feel something. To actually produce the twister they did NOT use smoke machines, they actually used hazers, around 5 or 6, mounted in a ring, pointing up and along the ring, they were then all turned on, not sure whether they were on full or not, then there were a strobe light mounted in the centre of the ring pointing straight up. occasionally it flashed, meaning for a few moments you saw a column of twisted smoke (well haze) the flashes were always in groups of 2 or 3, meaning the haze you saw on the second flash was different to the first, giving you the impression of movement. The whole ring on hazers and the strobe was mounted behind a black screen so the audience didnt see it at all, and the stage was not lit very much at all. I don't know how much of an effort it was to set up though... it was a medium budget production though



hope this helps



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if anyone saw the fairly recnt production of Edward scissor hands then I would suggest the very cleaver thing they did on their front drop gavze which was essentially lots of simultaneous moving clouds aon layered gaze with blackout and elements of set visible behind with some strobing but not much
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  • 4 months later...

Hello all


I need to create the effect of a tornado. Although there are dancers to represent the tornado (sounds daft but its looking really good!), the director is really relying on an effective lighting effect to finish the scene off!



Ive got various generics and 8 Mac 250's and 8 Mac 300 available. Ive also got a hazer and a smoke machine. I was thinking some sort of random shuter chase with some cold colours thrown in to fill it out



Any suggestions welcome.

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You can create a vortex by having a fan in each corner of the stage , angled into the stage at about 30 degrees and slightly upwards. All four are angled just off centre and pointing up towards the rig. Add smoke from one or two sides and you get a rotating vortex. may have to play with the fan speed.


I came across this on the web a while ago, can't remember where.

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