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Farewell old Strand, hello Genlyte-Strand?

Rob Halliday

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Of course, it could be a rather shrewd move for an entrepreneurial technician with cash burning a hole in his jeans...

Watch this space :D

I'll offer 'em a tenner all-in, shall I??

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Can we all chip in with a tenner each?


"Blue-Room International Lighting Enterprises Ltd." would have a nice ring about it - even if it wouldn't fit on the side of a van very easily! :D


Seriously though, this sounds like the sort of thing that the troops from usedlighting.co.uk would be sniffing around at.

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Seriously though, this sounds like the sort of thing that the troops from usedlighting.co.uk would be sniffing around at.

Could be, though I suspect it might be too big ...


Still, just think of all the potential Ebay sales....! :D

(Not to mention feedback thru the roof!!!)

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Not really sure what they mean by sale by tender, though....


Basically, the auctioneer's job is to maximise the income - that keeps the receiver happy, and it also keeps the auctioneer happy (as they get 10% commission).


In this particular case, they have obviously concluded that they can get a better price by negotiating with the "big players" rather than putting all the kit to open auction.


Whether they're selling the entire stock as one package or in a number of lots is unclear. They will probably be flexible - their objective is to maximise income. It may be worth talking to Sweeney Kincaid to clarify. For info, they are a reputable industrial auctioneer, based in Glasgow - the emails which I have received have said to contact "Fiona on 0141 570 4000" for more info - although the emails came from Russell Kincaid - email address available on request.



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Basically, the auctioneer's job is to maximise the income - that keeps the receiver happy, and it also keeps the auctioneer happy (as they get 10% commission).

As in all things - though depending on who'd be prepared to travel up, and how many were involved, oft-times selling off lot by lot can achieve better returns - just think back to thegreat "Millennium Dome Sellout" (Ooops, sorry, "Selloff!!"). Soooo many bits of kit that had been used/abused for 12 months + non-stop went for silly high prices, just because numpties were there bidding without ANY idea of the used value of kit. Happens at the Stage LX auctions too to a lesser extent. And I suspect many others. Would depend on how much hassle the auctioneers are willing to put up with....

In this particular case, they have obviously concluded that they can get a better price by negotiating with the "big players" rather than putting all the kit to open auction.
Maybe so, but if that IS the case, then this kit will go for a fraction of the available selling price on the 'open' market. The potential for a huge profit is there (eg Stage LX are looking for over £300 for SL zooms) BUT, (and it is a big BUT), any buyer taking this amount of stock will be taking a HUGE risk - Already, previously stalwart Strand-a-holics are mooting their intent to move away to brands that aren't in a dodgy situation.....
It may be worth talking to Sweeney Kincaid to clarify.
As it happens, I sent an enquiring mail to them earlier today - I'll let y'all know what they come back with.
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Of course, it could be a rather shrewd move for an entrepreneurial technician with cash burning a hole in his jeans...

Watch this space :unsure:


Best of luck Brian, just returned from what was a quiet sale, don`t know about the tender sale, lot of 200s looking for new homes , ETC expression with its `Property of R&D` label sitting there and loads of just parts.


Felt like should leave a Cinemoid wreath when I left.

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In case you hadn't seen this announcement:



Aug 16, 2006 2:05 PM


Since the acquisition by the Genlyte Group of Strand Lighting Inc., and the closure of Strand Lighting UK Ltd. last month, Strand Lighting Inc. has been working on interim arrangements to provide the best possible support for European dealers and end users.

For the present, Strand Lighting products will be supplied to European customers from Strand’s US and Hong Kong warehouses, with customer service being carried out in the Strand Lighting Inc. Cypress, CA facility. Technical Support is once again available in Europe for all Strand products, and will be provided by Field Service Technicians under contract to Strand Lighting Inc. – see contact details below. Further support for project planning and commissioning will for the time being be provided by Strand Lighting Inc. application engineers and field service technicians.


Strand Lighting Inc. has appointed Barndoor BV as European sales representative. Barndoor BV is hiring experienced salespeople to represent Strand Lighting Inc. in the European marketplace. Strand Lighting Inc. will sell directly to dealers, rental companies and certain end customers, with Barndoor acting purely as a factory representative.


Strand Lighting Inc. will be exhibiting at the PLASA show in London, and they are planning a number of new product introductions. A full team will be on hand to meet new and old friends, answer questions, show off new products and, above all, demonstrate our commitment to serving the European market.


Strand Lighting Inc. European Sales Contacts:

UK, Ireland and Iberia:

Ken Berreen +44 7776 044 905



Russia, Scandinavia, Southern Africa, Benelux and the Balkans:

Alan Luxford +44 7867 536 522



Austria, Switzerland, Eastern Europe, Italy, France, Baltic States, Balkans, North Africa:

Igor Cernitori +49 1715 622 884



Middle East, Turkey, Central Asia:

Jamil Bakir +44 7852 288 468



Customer Service and Technical Support Coordination:

Ed Twentyman +44 7920 888 791



Customer Service Representative:

Gerry Rodriguez +1 714 230 8200


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  • 2 weeks later...

Just for everyone's info, I put an email off to the two UK contacts listed above, as I was hoping to get my pair of 200's checked over and serviced.


What I was asking was who should I speak to in terms of dealers, service agents, etc.


Message almost straight back from Ken Berreen advising that I should still contact my old Strand dealer in the first instance (Northern Light), and that there should be little problem in obtaining parts, albeit that they may take longer to arrive as they're being sourced from Strand stores outwith the country.


Ken also advised that I should make the dealer aware that I'd spoken to him directly.


After all the events and problems that I thought I had with my 200 24/48 I'm going to dip my toe in the water with this just for my own peace of mind.


Who knows, they're may be some life in the old Strand yet...

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Having been brought up on strand equipment it is good to hear that the new Strand is taking shape fast - new products have been developed. New controls, new dimmers, luminaries and EC21 additions. That's all in the space of 6 weeks so can you can imagine what will be happening in the next 6 months?


I have heard that Coda range is going back into production, improvements to the sl range are planned, a new fresnel is on its way and more.


In January 2006 my venue had 185 ways of Strand EC21 dimming installed, During mid August I was experiencing a minor fault. Despite having closed the UK operation a few weeks prior, I was able to get full support from Strand to rectify the prob. In the end it turned out to be a mains problem not related to the rack.


Strand Lighting are exhibiting at the PLASA show in London


So it would seem that this buy out by Genlyte is the best thing that could have happened to Strand in many years.

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Easy for you to say, I work in one of the few venues that bought SLD. In fact its the only SLD installation in scotland. Its not the most relaible bit of kit (hence it being discontinued by Strand) And I'm just dreading the day a processor dies on me again.... bang goes 96 ways of dimming. And getting parts is going to be both difficult and expensive. And as far as I'm aware SLD was only ever sold in the UK, so not much prospect of parts from the US.


Oh well. Another reason to go to PLASA I guess,



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new products have been developed. New controls, new dimmers, luminaries and EC21 additions.

I have heard nothing about these things, and there's no mention of anything like that on their website. Care to enlighten us?

I've today had a broadcast letter (& updated price list on CD) from one supplier (though not one I've actually used yet) saying that Genlyte-Strand are continuing production of the SL, which has been made for some while in Los Angeles and still will be. They say that kit will be shipped to a European warehouse (sounds like NOT a UK base) before distro to us here in blighty.


I reckon PLASA's going to be an interesting show for some people.....



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