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Farewell old Strand, hello Genlyte-Strand?

Rob Halliday

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Confirmation on the L&SI website: here including a note that 60 jobs in the UK have been lost.


The UK operation is in the hands of administrators KPMG, under Jane Moriarty and Blair Nimmo. KPMG has confirmed to LSI Online that 60 reduncancies have been made in the UK, and it is not thought that anyone from the UK operation is being retained by Genlyte.
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This is what I was just thinking - if there aren't going to be any operations in the UK (which I presume from LSI) then how are we going to get spares and who's to say they won't cost a fortune... I presume the likes of AC or SLX have a certain amount of popular spares in stock though?


My SLs are already costing the earth to keep going!



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One would presume that it will just be like dealing with any other company who manufactures in other countries. Spares for Selecon, RJ, ETC and many many others all have to come from various foreign parts and are held by dealers and the like for local customers.

After all the majority of dimming products from Strand are made in the Far East and US already, the lanterns are being produced in the US and the 100 and 200 controls are made in the Far East. Strand (as in the international company) will not turn their back on the European market, that would be financially silly.

We have fairly large stocks of spares here for all the manufacturers which we deal for. We are quite used to bringing in spares from over seas (given that there are no Lighting manufacturers in Ireland!). Most manufacturers set up the pricing schedule to account for international shipping, and only local shipping tends to affect prices.

The big change will be in the personal contacts that so many of us have made with the people who work there.


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I don't think many of us are surprised - sad, but not surprised. For quite a while it has been very obvious that the uk mattered very little to the Strand worldwide organisation. Spares are already short - the recent comments about barn doors perhaps should have been a warning that things were not quite right. The fact that the receivers are in and appointed does suggest that this has been coming for a while.


Well, that pretty well kills the new Palette - reports about it crashing during demo at ABTT and the dubious design concept of a desk that is silver, with grey writing in a dark control room. The lack of an extended Genius op system, and an extension of the light palette say US to me. I don't suppose their UK sales will be worth much at all now - people have been waiting for years for the 500 replacement, which we thought the new desk was, only to find it was the 300 replacement with another wait for the top of the range to be addressed.


If the recievers are in, things must have been shaky at ABTT - odd we were all in the dark. Getting orders for the new kit, with this huge cloud over their heads seems a little 'sharp'?

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Well, that pretty well kills the new Palette - reports about it crashing during demo at ABTT

It was running beta test software, so it was bound to be a bit shaky. It was completely developed in the US and given to the UK as a finished package, I don't think that was a big secret.



If the receivers are in, things must have been shaky at ABTT - odd we were all in the dark.


To be honest I really don't think that they knew that far back that they were actually going to close now. The "administrators" (as Strand are calling them) would have been appointed by the buyer to dispose of the parts of the company which they had no interest in keeping. I would say that they might have know about the take over, but from those I have spoken to today they were not expecting this last month.


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".... completely developed in the US and given to the UK as a finished package"


Ummm, no. Not true. Software from the UK (as it always has been for the 500s), hardware design (internals) from the UK. Can't speak for the case or colour scheme. Design input from both sides of the Atlantic and beyond.


A name - 500, Palette, whatever - is just a name. It was shaping up to be a hell of a console family. Hopefully it still will be....



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I would say that they might have know about the take over, but from those I have spoken to today they were not expecting this last month.



Apparently talks were held post PLASA for the whole of the Strand Network, then again around Christmas for the same. Only this week did it change to its current form. With Strand Ltd in recievership the buyers aren't liable for the shutdown/redundancy/relocation costs that were part of the uk restructuring effort. I believe that upto the last minute the UK thourght they were part of the package.

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So .... I know that Genlight have bought out strand America and Strand Asia....

and I've heared the rumours about Strand UK becoming no more...


Has anyone heard any more at this stage - like product support etc






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Yes, I just tried to find out about getting an onsite demo of the Palette with a view to buying one but was told that neither the demo nor the purchase were possible. Great idea: unviel a brand new product at a big tradeshow in a blaze of glory then don't let anyone buy it!


Hey ho. That makes the choice easier, I suppose. ETC or LSC.


[P.S. In my role as moderator I should point out that this is not the thread to post feelings on that matter!]

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