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Farewell old Strand, hello Genlyte-Strand?

Rob Halliday

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However, I really hope that British companies can find some of that ground breaking thinking we used to have as a nation that developed things like the first mass produced theater lantern!

Of course, British companies wouold produce a theatre lantern not a theater lantern!



:** laughs out loud **:

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Rather sad to see them go but looking around at work in the IT industry I am seeing all the jobs disappearing to India,


I am just wondering when someone will work out how to get operators for shows based in cheaper countries. :** laughs out loud **:

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Interesting to spot that HES nicked the optics idea of the good old Patt 23, exactly 25 years as the Patent ran out, for the technobeam (I've already heard the jokes about tech-no-beam!)

Time for a bit of lateral thinking, and getting back as no. 1 in the lighting indusry!

If I had the money to buy up (Rank) Strand, I would!

Gold gong to anyone who can help an institution out of the mess!

And who the blazes is this company called Dynalite?

Zero 88, and Lightprocessor pushing their boats down the river in the same sweep?


Avo, stay independant, for god's sake! we love you, and what you do for us!


Finished rant.

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I wonder if this will help boost their profile and popularity in the US? (Devils advocate)




I guess it won't hurt. Over here it seems like they are a company that is spread very thin. I enjoy the quarterly newsletters but look at the "NEWS" link on the site. The Genlyte news (not in the "news"area of the site) is the first item posted since the June 2005 ABTT announce and the "Consolidation" news in May 05. Both are marked with a look at me I'm "NEW" banner. :P Considering the circumstances it would probably be a good idea to at least remove the info about the new facility/ consolidation plan.


I imagine whomever is running the website is probably scrambling and covering other positions. I'm not picking on the Strand staff or the website. (The site is really the least of their concerns at this point.) The people I deal with are all caring, hard working people. However it is my opinion that Strand US could use a more people to support the folks in ALL areas who are working their tails (arses?) off holding the place together. Especially if they are now to support the UK as well.


So unless some big changes happen soon, popularity in the states won't change. I have no clue what is going to happen with Strand/Genlyte. With all the things they have to sort out and the rumours that will surely be coming from competing sales staffs things will probably get worse popularity wise before they get better. As a longtime Strand user and fan, I hope I don't have to wait another calendar year to read about it.



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I am very saddend to hear about strand and would like to wish all people who used to work for them all the very best. I have had contact with Bill Richards and he seems to be quite cheerful though doesn't know what he is going to do. He has offered me support for my work and I think he is a great person for doing this. If anyone else needs support for Strand gear please get in touch and if I can't solve it then I'll see if Bill will help




Opera North

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I foned Strand today only to hear that the guy on the end of the fone is an Administrator and that Strand are in administration. Why? How come? Has this been in the pipeline for a while? I saw them at ABTT and were demoing the new Palette desk - are they still going ahead with this?
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Strand UK are in Administration - went bust a couple of weeks ago. The Strand name in the US and Asia has been bought by Genlyte USA. Strand Uk are not proceeding with any products currently. No stock is being made available, certainly at Stage Electrics we are clearing our stock and stripping all Strand from display, though we are honouring Strand warranties and still providing servicing & support for all kit. If you like Strand kit, go shopping now for some bargains, but don't expect to get any spare parts!!


It's a sad demise.

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Don't be too quick to dismiss Strand.

They have been bought up by a US company - Genlyte - who also own several other major theatre type companies. The blurb states that although the UK Strand operations are being stripped, they still intend to carry on the Strand name, albeit MAYBE with a reduced portfolio.

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So that's the end of the road for Strand consoles as we know them?


Gulp. :angry: I hope not. I'm in the middle of the US and have been using Strand for 20+ years. My venue has had Strand equipment since '59. We hope this means a huge turn around for Strand. Nothing against ETC. We are just rather fond of Strand dimming and controls. We also have had great luck with the 500 Series platform for 10 years. What I will never understand is how you buy Strand for next to nothing and it does not include UK operations. I know it's "just business". I also understand it has nothing to do with anything except money. But it is simply too bizarre to believe even from this side of the pond. I can't imagine what is going through the minds of the UK's Strand faithful customers and dealers. That is if there are any left. I am still a bit shocked. But I may be the only one in these parts. This topic barely registered on the popular Stagecraft listserve.



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What products?


Seems to me all we have left in the product range are dimmers, one new control, a couple of old ones and a profile (sorry, ellipsoid) that appears in these columns far too often when people are having 'issues'.


The fact that the UK designed lanterns will be no more is the real shame. Quartets, Preludes, Cantatas and Optiques all consigned to the skip as the spares dry up. The fact that the US arm never marketed them over there means our spares requirements have gone forever. It seems that Stage Elecs, White Light etc have the only hope for keeping kit going.


We've moaned about Strand on and off for years, but many of us were loyal customers and kept going - I suspect UK theatre will simply discount Strand as a viable product now, especially that many of their staff were so well known.


A shame a management buy-out can't be arranged, just to keep the UK products going.

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