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Farewell old Strand, hello Genlyte-Strand?

Rob Halliday

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Don't give up on Strand controls yet!


We've had communication from GenLyte that infers they appreciate the extent of the UK market for the larger desks and dimmers and the existing customer base. They are (allegedly) in the process of setting up infrastructure in the UK for existing dealers to continue support and sales of the the product lines that they have control over.


We take it to mean "no more lanterns except the SL and the Quarzcolour range (possibly), desks from 500 up and dimming" - stay in touch with your local dealer - they'll have more news over the coming weeks I would guess. Like Stage Electrics - we'll try to support existing products as far as we can anyway!

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Perhaps the following extracts from a faxed message to Strand's European Dealers from Tim Burnham, General Manager Strand Lighting on 19th July might help to clarify the situation regarding Strand products.

As you know last week the Genlyte Group acquired Strand Lighting Inc. in the USA and Strand Lighting Asia in Hong Kong. For reasons of UK law , and despite Genlyte's best efforts, it was impossible to prevent the collapse of the Strand UK business, which has ceased trading.
Strand Lighting is 100% committed to developing a strong European business, and supporting our European dealers and customers. Genlyte is a large and highly successful group, and is completely committed to worldwide leadership for Strand Lighting Inc. You are probably aware that Genlyte has been spectacularly successful with the acquisition and turnaround of the Vari*Lite business, and we expect no less for Strand Lighting Inc.
We are also working to establish technical support in Europe as a matter of urgency
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I suspect they will be told to get knotted!


They appreciate the UK market for the sales of their expensive, upmarket kit they have cherry picked from a RANGE of products. The UK market relies on tradition, respect and consistency.


Genlyte want to support the UK - My guess is dealers with stock are going to dump them as quickly as they can. If you sell something, then can't support it - my reading of the Sale of Goods Act is that the customers have redress at your expense! Best to get shot of them quickly.


I still think that some Strand products are the best for the purpose, but as to recommending them - I'm not sure, and how would any dealer be able to give a reassurance?


I'd like to buy a XXX please? What a good price! Can I get the video upgrade board next year? Oh - well I'd better buy something else then.

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... the Sale of Goods Act is that the customers have redress at your expense!...

The Sale of Goods Act and similar do not apply to professional users. We're on our own as we are supposed to have knowledge not generally available to a 'consumer'.

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There are various comments about whether Strand knew about this at ABTT (specifically their employees anctally on the stand at ABTT). It is highly unlikely that anyone outside their board of directors knew what was going on. Acquisitions are covered by very strict rules, particularly if they invove a pulically listed company (such as Genlyte).


There is a process called Due Diligence during which the potential purchaser examines the company very closely, but still from afar (an experienced person in the accounts department may suspect what is going on, but secrecy is usually absolute).


It is also a legal requirement that anything that may result in redundancies is kept in confident until an official announcement is made.



As it is, it looks like Genlyte have acquired Strand Overseas Holding Limited, meaning that the money they have paid has gone to Strand Lighting Group Limited who are in administration.


Remember that administration is not receivership. The idea of adminstration is for the administrators to salvage as much as they can of the company to try to ensure that their creditors eventually receive 100% of what they are owed.That means that there is a glimmer of hope for the UK operations because that cash injection may well be enough for the administrators to allow the companies to trade their way out of administration - particularly with our support if/when they start selling their products again. In the worst case, the administrators may decide to put the companies into receivership, but before then they will have tried to sell everything off, down to the rights to the designs and tooling for the manufacture of each lantern. So don't write off those codas that need new gel dividers just yet!


If anyone is interested, the official announcements of the Administration are (as always) in the London Gazette

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To the best of my knowledge, the Sale of Good act applies to all purchasers - or consumers in DTI parlance. A business user has redress under the same act - I don't have any data on business users being excluded from the act.


If anyone has specifics on any exclusions please post them.

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I see from the Strand website that the contact for UK enquiries is Ed Twentyman, who has worked for Strand for over 15 years. I don't know if he is working for Genlyte or for the Administrators, but either way you can be assured he will be doing his damnedest to get things sorted out.

As for Quartzcolor, this was always a separate company and is still owned by the directors of the "old" Strand Lighting, (along with the German operation for some reason). I don't believe Genlyte were ever interested in Q/C as they have never been into Film & TV, so that may have new owners soon too.


It is sad that Strand has gone the way it has - another Rover, another example of British engineering and invention blown away by accountants and consultants.


Just my £0.02 worth

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To the best of my knowledge, the Sale of Good act applies to all purchasers - or consumers in DTI parlance. A business user has redress under the same act - I don't have any data on business users being excluded from the act.


If anyone has specifics on any exclusions please post them.

When we purchase equipment from the trade counters of companies like SLX or AC Lighting, we are 'trade' customers. That is why we do not pay anything like the recommended retail price. The saving is because consumer legislation does not apply to trade purchases. If the smaller cash at trade counter purchasers were to start trying to claim that it was not a trade purchase, the companies would simply close their doors to them and restrict their business to 'bona-fide trade customers' with accounts.

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To the best of my knowledge, the Sale of Good act applies to all purchasers - or consumers in DTI parlance. A business user has redress under the same act - I don't have any data on business users being excluded from the act.


If anyone has specifics on any exclusions please post them.

When we purchase equipment from the trade counters of companies like SLX or AC Lighting, we are 'trade' customers. That is why we do not pay anything like the recommended retail price. The saving is because consumer legislation does not apply to trade purchases.

I'd say Paul is right.

It matters not whether you pay full price or 10% of the max, if you are a sole individual or a multi-national corporation. If a vendor, set up in business to sell widgets sells you a widget that is faulty or unsuited to the purpose for which you are sold it, then they are liable under the sale of goods act and many other bits of legislation.

Even if you are an experienced widget user, it's still feasible for an unscrupulous dealer to sell sub standard goods etc, and as a customer you always have a legal right to recourse should something go awry.




Edit: The reason many of us can demand (and get) trade prices is because of the buying power of that individual or company. I know I can get a good deal from my Stage LX rep simply because I have spent (on behalf of the theatre) many thousands of pounds over the years with them. Which means the price I get is not what Joe Public can get. But I'd say with some certainty that even my prices would be nowhere near as low as those achievable by a full-sized pro theatre like the Birmingham Hippo, for example.

The price you pay has NOTHING to do with whether you have legal protection against fraud or poor quality suppliers.

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I think we are getting Off Topic. It is very sad Strand UK has gone I have been working with them since 1982 and am deeply shocked and probably never buy another Strand piece of equipment again. I never did like it when the septics took over but hey it's a job lets get on with it and do the best we can. There are other equipment manufacturer's out there lets see who is best. R.I.P. Strand



:** laughs out loud **: ;)

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Strand UK are in Administration - went bust a couple of weeks ago. The Strand name in the US and Asia has been bought by Genlyte USA. Strand Uk are not proceeding with any products currently. No stock is being made available, certainly at Stage Electrics we are clearing our stock and stripping all Strand from display, though we are honouring Strand warranties and still providing servicing & support for all kit. If you like Strand kit, go shopping now for some bargains, but don't expect to get any spare parts!!


It's a sad demise.

I have to say that is a very bold statement


its a shame that people have buried strand already, rover have been mentioned as a similar situation but the rot at rover goes back decades.

why not look at jaguar, and landrover, ironically once part of the same company as rover, now building better cars than they did under British ownership.

lets give genlyte a chance to get the strand house in order before jumping around and shooting them down before they have even had a chance to change things (even for the better) they have an almost clean sheet, and have huge clout to invest money on new products like a new 500 series desk, the new dimmers and pallet have already started the Renaissance.

I for one am not writing of strand

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It's a fair point - Genlyte don't really have a strong lighting control brand (to my knowledge, correct me if I'm wrong here), and I'm sure we'll see the Strand brand on many consoles to come. Who designs those consoles though, remains to be seen...
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I'd say Paul is right. It matters not whether you pay full price or 10% of the max, if you are a sole individual or a multi-national corporation. If a vendor, set up in business to sell widgets sells you a widget that is faulty or unsuited to the purpose for which you are sold it, then they are liable under the sale of goods act and many other bits of legislation.

Not quite.


Its not actually whether the vendor is set up to sell you a widget, but if you as the buyer are set up to buy the widget.


The key word here is "consumer". If you are a "consumer" you get a bunch more rights than you get if you are not a consumer, under section 5A of SOGA 1979 (as ammended yada yada yada) "ADDITIONAL RIGHTS OF BUYER IN CONSUMER CASES"


The Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977, says basically someone 'deals as consumer' if they do not contract 'in the course of a business' and the other party does contract 'in the course of a business'. So one would expect a business to business transaction not to be protected by the enhanced consumer protection.


Note this has nothing to do with warranty repairs...


Here's hoping the adminsitrators manage to find a way to rescue Strand, it is sad that such a historic name should fall by the wayside. Maybe if they started knocking out 243s again their future would be assured. Just for silly FYI, there are exactly zero 243s available for hire in the South Island of New Zealand ;)

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