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Farewell old Strand, hello Genlyte-Strand?

Rob Halliday

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Just noticed the following on the http://www.sweeney-kincaid.co.uk website - sweeney kincaid are a commercial auctioneer:


Strand Lighting

Following the Administration of Strand Lighting, SKL have been appointed to sell the equipment from Kircaldy Site. More News Shortly


and in the "current auctions" section:

Date : Wednesday 16th August 2006 10.00am


Theatre Light & Control Desk Manufacturing Facility, by Auction, Kirkcaldy, Fife, UK

Re Strand Lighting Ltd - In Administration on the instructions of the Administrator, D Scott, KPMG Edinburgh


Lighting Solutions Manufacturers for Theatre, Television, Film and Themed Environment Productions, including Plant & Machinery, Finished Stock & Consumables, Material Handling, Storage Equipment, Office Equipment etc




Approx 200 Strand Luminaires (Alto F, PC & Tocata) Control Desks, Digital Distribution Packs & Large Quantity Various Consumables




Full catalogue not yet available.

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Typical - absolutely no mention of how they intend to play the situation with Strand in the UK, one of Strand's biggest markets and the country where they've pretty much closed down Strand's domestic operations.


Yeah, so they're a big company and have no intention of letting the Strand brand and products die out - yadda yadda yadda. Until someone from Genlyte comes out with some decent, solid, detailed information as to how things are going to be for all Strand customers in the UK, both present and future, I suspect there's going to be a lot more throwing of stones.


Sean, you're seeing all this from the inside, surely there must be something that you can post here that will be of interest/use to Strand customers in the UK?

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From recent communication, I can say (and confirm as before) that there are plans to raise the phoenix from the ashes, but this may not come to fruition 'till the new year.


I am also led to believe that Plasa should answer a lot of outstanding questions. Some will get to know between now and Plasa.


As can be appreciated, after a major upheaval like this, it will take time for "normal" services to be resumed.


Be patient. Time will tell.

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Like was mentioned the upheaval was shocking to everyone. The 230 lantern line will ramp up as suddenly as the purchase occurred- takes time to gear up new lines doesn't it guys? Console will reappear in a few months with solid software, regular units.


The suddenness of the interaction with GL was as sudden as the decision by Ryan to part with the pieces. GL's seeming flat footed movement is likely due to the last minute nature of the whole thing.. no other reason than sheer surprise themselves. See the link from my last post, eh?


The GL heavies interaction and pronouncements have been scarce... almost a month now. Recently received corporate 'mission statement pocket guide'... Kinda creepy to get this and no other interaction, promised visit from senior chief of the corporation very soon.


Being a mid level drone provides 'only what I need to know' however. The local managers are quite busy in meetings constantly.


yes indeed, time will tell.

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I hope to hear news soon on what is going to happen with stocks of spares for the UK as I currently have 40x SLs at work of which some need spares to get back up to full use, and at the moment it would seem they simply can't be had from suppliers we've tried.


It certainly would not be a good start to our new season in late September / October if we have to take kit off the stock list as we haven't got them fully working due to lack of spares.



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I hope to hear news soon on what is going to happen with stocks of spares for the UK as I currently have 40x SLs at work of which some need spares to get back up to full use, and at the moment it would seem they simply can't be had from suppliers we've tried.


Where were the SL parts manufactured? Was that Kircaldy?

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I hope to hear news soon on what is going to happen with stocks of spares for the UK as I currently have 40x SLs at work of which some need spares to get back up to full use, and at the moment it would seem they simply can't be had from suppliers we've tried.

Where were the SL parts manufactured? Was that Kircaldy?

We did source some straight from Kircaldy last year (namly replacement lamp burners), yes.

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I hope to hear news soon on what is going to happen with stocks of spares for the UK as I currently have 40x SLs at work of which some need spares to get back up to full use, and at the moment it would seem they simply can't be had from suppliers we've tried.


Stage LX have a list of strand items & spares they're putting on the 'get rid of' pile.....

What were you after?

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Well at the moment I know I need 23/50 front & rear lenses, the resin coloured blocks for the rotator rings and a couple of peak/flat field knobs. Could be more once I've opened them up in our dark period (perhaps reflectors as I replaced 3 last year) but this is what I know off the top of my head.


Any tip-offs are greatly appreciated!


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Any tip-offs are greatly appreciated!

The list shows the following available:

SSSL2350RL SL 114202 23/50 REAR LENS 2





(Valid of course only at time of them writing the list!)

I suggest you get on to them pronto to nab what you need.

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