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Lower Wattage Moving Yokes for Schools


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The iMoves as mentioned earlier are available sub £300 . Not the greatest mover ever created but they do a job . They use an ELC lamp 24v/250w not the brightest but at £5 each it aint such a big deal if you blow them now and again . The iMoves only use 5 DMX channels so programming isn't that difficult and even easier if you use the dedicated controller . Another cheap option is the Acme Spot Queen . These use 6 DMX channels (they have gobo rotate unlike the iMoves) and use a 150w discharge lamp a lot more expensive to replace but generally last longer . The Spot Queen's are sub £500 . The main short comings with these movers is beam size . To get any appreciable coverage you need to have them a fair distance away but , not being very bright means you don't want them too far away . These units will never compete with Macs and the like but they aren't intended to . Having installed some Spot Queens in a local night club a few years ago the only problem that I have experienced is a sticking shutter stepper motor . Finally I had a local DJ bring me an iMove that had fallen off his gantry on to the floor . It was in a sorry state but having dismantled it , straigtened out alll the bent bits and put it back together again it worked .



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Not to mention that a lot of 'cheap' movers don't have a dimmer - I've seen quite a few that have a 'blank' in the gobo wheel to shutter out the beam.


Which makes those completely and utterly uselsss for theatrical use, although still serviceable for DJ / club use.

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