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Have you ever used an O1V96v2 for a musical?


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This is where I go whenever I need any software from Yamaha.


There are three pieces of software you need.


1) Studio Manager This is the "host enviroment" that interfaces to many modern pieces of yamaha equipment. The current version is 2.1.7


2) 01v96 Editor, there are a number of editors that can be installed to contol a variety of yamaha equipment. You install the 01v96 editor aftter the SM host application. (Current Version 2.1.3)


3) USB MIDI Driver, Again this is a common driver for all yamah kit. You only need to install it after you connect a piece of yamaha kit to your computer. Don't bother with it if you are working offline, You could download it in case you meet a mixer when you don't have an internet connection but don't install it yet. (Current Version 2.1.5)

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Another thing to add.


When you get to use a mixer you have to match mixer firmware with the version of SM and Editor you are using.


To check what firmware is installed press the Utility button followed by the Battery tab. There should be a little picture of a battery saying it's OK and a number in the bottom right hand corner. The number os the version of the firmware. If this is <2 then you will have a problem and need to update it. If it is >2 then it should be OK but would be nice to update to the latest version. (Current version 2.24) Full instructions are with the download.




Just tested it - I've downloaded the 2.1.7 SM distribution from Yamaha and it works fine.


That should confirm the software is working - sounds like a problem your end.


Where did you put the files to unzip them?

What programme are you using to unzip them?

Is the error the first message you get or is there a dialouge box asking where you want to install it?

What is your drive e:\?



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Hmm..I just downloaded it, extracted it to a folder where I keep some yamaha manuals etc. Then just clicked on set-up. Thing is, I dont actually have a drive specified e:



I SO dont understand.



Error 1327 can be due to a problem with the Install Shield installer having a problem,


Basicaly your copy of Windows is passing it incorrect parameters about where to install the software .


Just to check - rae you installing it on a machine you have administrator rights over?



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What are the following registry keys set to if you have them?

  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders.
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WinNT\CurrentVersion


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Well, I just tried the download version here, and it installs fine for me.


I once had what may have been a similar problem with a downloaded piece of software (not Yamaha) and my solution at that time was to extract all the files then burn them to CD and install from there. For some reason that worked.


Failing that, James's talking you through registry entries etc. may bear some fruit...but rather than confuse things I'll leave that to him



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Start Menu -> Run -> Open "regedit" -> Ok


You will be presented with a tree view of registry keys, some of which should relate to the keys which James is asking you for. i.e. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WinNT\CurrentVersion will be the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE tree, the SOFTWARE subtree and so on and so on.


Don't be tempted to edit any entries unless you know what you're doing, but you should be able to read off the keys at these locations to get help from James.

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Im still absolutely confuddled, and frankly, if its this much bother to install the software Im not sure if I can be bothered- the show isnt until June 2007 after all. Digidesigns D-Show for the Venue was just like any other program, click, install, done. Very nice to use as well.


Thanks for all the help though- I just wish it wasnt such a bloody nuisance.


Ill try it on my desktop at home.

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Trying a different comp is probably wise since the problem is almost certainly to do with your laptop.


I know of 20+ people who have downloaded and used the Yamaha software as easily as you describe the Digidesign stuff, so your experience is clearly not typical. (As an aside, over the past 20 years or so, Digidesign has had me tearing out my already-sparse hair on numerous occasions with THEIR software. Try running a TV facility with Avid, Protools and Avid Newsroom all interlinked...horror!)


...and once you get it, you WILL find it worthwhile to have..you can plot and store your whole show if you're that way inclined!



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Tryed it on another pc, worked fine.


Have another laptop with a docking station and TFT which ill actually be using for the show (gonna have it set up as an external vie during the show), so ill try it on that once ive done the show file on the desktop.


Whats the easiest way to store scenes and name them? At first glance (I stress first!) it doesnt seem entirely clear....so any ideas? Cheers!



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Whats the easiest way to store scenes and name them? At first glance (I stress first!) it doesnt seem entirely clear....so any ideas? Cheers!
If you are new to digital consoles, I do not suggest creating scenes in advance. It is much easier to set the scene in real time and hit the "Store" button. If you have a lot of repatcing, or rerouting in your scenes you may need to do it in preproduction. If you do you need to remember all the parameters that are getting stored in each scene that you may not want stored. I assume all your scenes will be with no eq as you preprogram them, so as you recall each scene the eq will get reset to flat unless you run with the eq in Recall Safe. The same will be true for any other parameters that you will be setting up on site. It would be wise to familiarise yourself with Recall Safe, and Global Paste, before you have to use the desk. During rehearsals running the eq in Recall Safe may be a good idea. It allows you to make eq changes and store them in the scene, without recalling the previous saved settings. Your changes are still stored, just not recalled. When you turn off Recall Safe all your scene eq settings will be there and will recall as expected.



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