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Speaker Hanging


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While I can sympathise a little with how you feel people have responded, I'm not in the least surprised. It isn't your fault. At your age, you have been spoon fed at school and initiative hasn't featured much in your education - don't panic - this is how it is nowadays. My own sons are just the same. They simply ask questions without giving it much thought, because it is so simple to do so. Why do your own research when others will do it for you? On many web forums on all sorts of subjects this works ok. here, because many of us have been doing this for far too long, we simply treat these requests as pure lazyness - and because we understand the risk of doing it poorly, we tend to say STOP - DON'T, and the usual "if you have to ask, you shouldn't be doing it".


We do have a large number of members who as a result of their school and outside knowledge do have a decent amount of product and general backstage knowledge, despite being under the age where they are actually considered competent to do things - as had been said many times, some young people are working illegally. Now - business wise. Most of us on here would consider that you can say you are 'a business' if Her Majesties Revenue and Customs know you exist. Buying a few bits of kit and hiring them out to people who know you does not mean you are in business - it is just a hobby that pays a bit on the side. Try to open a bank or building socity account in the business name - not much chance, I'm afraid.


There's little point trying to convince us that text talk is fine and in common use. It is. However, we don't find it acceptable, and as you've noticed, it doesn't start people taking the mick (not mic, that is something you speak into) - it shows you up, the mickey taking is just the usual way of saying fairly politely "this person has no idea at all". If you want to be taken seriously then you have to develop the correct language to talk to us. You can talk like that to your friends and even strangers of a similar age, but the BR seems to have an amazingly wide age group as members - so you must always remember that if you want a quality answer, ask a quality question. Members and the moderators to be honest, give up their time to answer queries as best they can - if they feel 'used' or 'cheated' in some way, or maybe even embarassed to even be part of a conversation then this does, I'm afraid, tag you with a label that to be frank puts you into a kind of mental pigeonhole along with a few other people who seem to be similar.


If you spend a bit of time reading the old stuff, you'll soon see this comes up again and again. We've all been guilty at some time of posting incorrect info as an answer - I've done it myself, and even as a mod, I expect to be put in my place by somebody who knows better. Sometimes this person is younger than me - we don't care. The quality of the post is important. If you are a student, that's fine. Just don't pretend to be a business thinking we'll be impressed - because it just shows us that you haven't quite understood the way the forum works.




The best advice is to accept the fact that people know best in many cases,provide the info asked for, and get some decent answers.


In an attempt to answer your original question. If the speakers have a bottom mount, that is safe to be used on a stand, then maybe a bracket that has the top hat pin at the bottom, and some kind of enclosed side and top - like those for monitors could be made up. Then, get it checked by somebody who is old enough to be taken to court if it falls and hurts somebody. If they are willing to certify it as a competent person, then it's great. You can't be that person - yet!


My venue is in the middle of a health and safety purge at the moment. Bodging things is not an option anymore.



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thanks paul but ui would like to say I did actualy say thanks all for your help earlier but every1 jut carried on.


Oh and by the way I have opened an Bank Account! and I do know all about this because my dad works in this field.


All I have to say now is thanks to every body. Now I would like to call this topic




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