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hardboard floor


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I'd use double-sided not gaffer - go for the green "Expo Tape" approved for use at the NEC - lo-tac one side means it's easier to remove afterwards. Make sure you use it the right way up though, or you may find it will come off your boards beautifully and stick horrifically to the venue floor! Flints supply it, and I should think people like Le Mark or Directa probably have it as well.
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I would go for low tack double sided tape (Flints N.E.C. Approved tape or alike) it can be taken up relatively easily but leaves no marks. I wouldn't expect it to lift, but how flat is the pub floor?
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The other thing to consider is to slightly bevel the edges of each board, but that depends on your painted design and if it will show. However it should stop feet scuffing up the joins.
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Thanks for the advice - I don't need to worry about paint on the floor underneath as we have hired the theatre for the 2 weeks after this show as well (with a different show) and that will have a painted floor - which we have to paint back to black on the get-out... but thanks anyway.


Looks like double sided sticky/low tac / NEC expo tape is the way to go .... landy - I'll be in touch about your bevelled edges!!

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I'd use double-sided not gaffer - go for the green "Expo Tape" approved for use at the NEC - lo-tac one side means it's easier to remove afterwards.


I've used that stuff a couple of times but never realised it was low tack on one side :yahoo:


So I have to ask.... Which side is the low tack side? I've always stuck it to the floor, then peeled the paper back off and stuck the carpet on top of that. As one side was sticking to wood (steeldeck top) and the other to carpet, I'd not picked up on any difference when pulling the tape off as I assumed any such difference was due to the different materials it was stuck to, rather than different stickiness on either side of the tape.

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I'm pretty sure that the lo-tac side is the "open" side (i.e. the side that you don't have to peel the backing paper off) in which case you would have been doing it right. But now I type that, I'm not sure if I trust my memory, it's so long since I actually used any...seeing as I mostly sit at a desk these days rather than doing fit-ups! I would think a touch test would give you a good idea of which was stickier....maybe I'll go and scrounge some from the technicians and try it myself......
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another source of NEC approved tape I've recently come across is CTN exhibitons ltd. They also do really cheap exhibition carpet, though I had problems with one safety officer as it comes from France and the fire tests are to French standards and certification is in French, which they weren't too keen on in Camden...
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  • 3 weeks later...

Update on the MDF flooring ... opening night tonight and all has gone well.

The sheets of painted 6mm MDF stuck down with NEC double-sided tape have worked fine... just the next 2 weeks to get through - but having done a full tech rehearsal and 2 dress rehs plus first show it is all holding up well.

We took landy's advice of slightly bevelled edges which have helped keep it flat, and yes the low tack side of the NEC tape is the side you stick first - it's very sticky once the backing tape has been peeled off!

Thanks for all the advice & help!

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