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PLASA 2006

Guest lightnix

A quick straw poll...  

162 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you going to PLASA 2006?

    • Yes - I'm working there
    • Definitely visiting
    • Maybe visiting
    • Not sure yet
    • Maybe not visiting
    • Definitely not visiting
  2. 2. If you are visiting, which day will you most likely be there?

    • Sun 10th Sept
    • Mon 11th Sept
    • Tues 12th Sept
    • Weds 13th Sept
    • I'll be there on more than one day
    • N/A (working / definitely not visiting)
  3. 3. Anybody up for a Get Together?

    • Sorry, I'm too young to go down the pub
    • Yes - me Me ME!
    • Yes - maybe for a bit
    • Not sure
    • No - not this year, thanks
    • No - never in a million years

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While I remember, is there a limit on who can go to this? I'm only 17 and just a lowly student, will I get asked to wait in the car?

No - there's no age limit at all.




Hooray! In which case money and travel permitting I'll be there on the Monday. I'd like to meet a few folks but would only be drinking lemonade ¬_¬

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I would say def meet in the tournament, esp since zero 88 have there stand there!!! very good move, but on tuesday how about meeting at the tournament at 6? time plucked from the air so earlier or later is good, but my train dont get in till half 1!
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It depends... a mate is going back to London on the Saturday / Sunday... and I might be driving him back... that's the only way I'll be going.


Just as a side note to Peter's other post about the official meet... perhaps an idea to bring some *ahem* "BR swag" to be sold there?


I'll bet you sell at least a couple of things?

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For benefit of all the other sound guys out there, I've just heard that Cadac are going to use PLASA for the first public showing of their new S-Digital mixing desk. That ought to have folks flocking to their stand! I'm exercising like mad to see if I can get my bionic knee fit enough for the trip and all the walking!


On a more somber note, many of you may know Tony Waldron (he of the anti-EMC crusade) from Cadac. Tony won't be at PLASA this year because he suffered a fairly serious heart attack about 3 weeks ago. However, Cadac have made public that he's doing well now, having had a pacemaker fitted. I'm told he's keen to get back to work so he can see how much EMC his new attachment radiates!



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