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PLASA 2006

Guest lightnix

A quick straw poll...  

162 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you going to PLASA 2006?

    • Yes - I'm working there
    • Definitely visiting
    • Maybe visiting
    • Not sure yet
    • Maybe not visiting
    • Definitely not visiting
  2. 2. If you are visiting, which day will you most likely be there?

    • Sun 10th Sept
    • Mon 11th Sept
    • Tues 12th Sept
    • Weds 13th Sept
    • I'll be there on more than one day
    • N/A (working / definitely not visiting)
  3. 3. Anybody up for a Get Together?

    • Sorry, I'm too young to go down the pub
    • Yes - me Me ME!
    • Yes - maybe for a bit
    • Not sure
    • No - not this year, thanks
    • No - never in a million years

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Why would you choose to wear your working clothes outside of work, unless it's to say "everyone look at me, I'm a technician, aren't I ace?".


Because most technicians I know ware the same sort of clothes to go out as they do to work... and I wasn't aware there was a strict dress code in plasa, so I guess they'll be wearing tech type clothes? :D


I think most people will be wearing jeans and a t-shirt... probably black, as that makes up most of thier wardrobe.


If anyone needs me, I'll be in the bright pink tux with spinning bow tie :)

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I suspect most people will be in black at a technician gathering like this? :D
Why would you choose to wear your working clothes outside of work

I said I'd be wearing my black theatre polo 'cos it has the theatre logo picked out and my name on it, so if any of you friendly guys out there noticed it you might recognise me and a) come and say "HI!" to a fellow Blue roomer or b) totally avoid me, (depending on your views! :o)

Wouldn't be in full blacks - and depending on the weather, may even be showing off the hairy legs....... :)

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you see, im very differnt, I wear black as little as I can, and genrally have my gerber in a bag! - even when im opping a show I have to wear by Riding Lights rugby shirt - cos most probably ive just helped run he bar in the interval etc... ah the joys of small studios!


so to find me you'll have to go about it the hard way and look at my badge! :D

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I do wear black a lot, but not because I get some pleasure out of wearing my work clothes all the time. I wear it because I like wearing black and it's part of my style.


I will be there Tuesday or Wednesday, and as usual I'll be in scruffy jeans, black shirt, and a big green jacket.

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I shall be there on the Monday and Tuesday, and shall also be wearing black as it's the company uniform which I need to wear as I shall be pulling equipment out of the Professional Beauty Exhibition next door in Earls Court on Monday afternoon!


I also have four complimentary tickets if anyone's interested.....

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Guest lightnix
...I suspect most people will be in black at a technician gathering like this? :D
Why would they?... Why would you choose to wear your working clothes outside of work, unless it's to say "everyone look at me, I'm a technician, aren't I ace?".
Sorry gareth, but I'm afraid you hit the nail squarely on the head with that remark :D


Please, everybody: don't wear polo shirts - they're soooo uncool (and useless for cleaning windows).


Anybody who has been in the business more than five minutes will tell you, that classic "technician" attire at PLASA consists of...

a) The oldest piece of T-shirt swag you own, to show everyone else how long you've been around. Ideally it should be a tad too small, in order to display...

b) A hint of beer gut, the size of which is also an indicator of the number of years spent working in showbusiness and, therefore, level of experience.

c) Faded black jeans*. Again these should be just a bit too tight, thus allowing b) to hang over the front of them while displaying a healthy half-inch of b*m cr*ck at the rear.

d) Hastily polished, but obviously well-worn steel-toed, ankle-length boots.

e) A slightly loose belt / bum bag**, which is also carrying at least: a mobile 'phone, Mini Maglite, Leatherman and a some other "useful tool", preferably purchased while "on tour in the States" and totally unavailable in the UK.

f) A lanyard which isn't available at this year's PLASA. In addition to your PLASA ticket, it should have on it a couple of laminates from the most prestigious gigs you've done recently. Please note that the lanyard is the only non-black item of "technician" attire allowed.

g) A tour / bomber jacket, preferably with the name of a band on it (as opposed to a mere manufacturer).

h) A laptop bag, slung across the shoulders.

I) A day's worth of stubble.


* These may be substituted with faded black jogging pants, with legs that are too short and ride up well above the ankles.

** If wearing a bum-bag, it should hang to the front and resemble a codpiece.


Overall, the effect to create is one of somebody dashing between gigs, who barely has time to be at PLASA, but came along at the last minute in order to...

I) Catch up with a few old mates.

ii) Meet an important client.

iii) Do some networking.


This effect can be increased by constantly glancing around the exhibition / at your watch, while talking to anyone you meet in the aisles who isn't a potential employer and cutting all conversations short with a, "Look, sorry mate - gotta dash - just too many people to catch up with", followed by a, "Which pub are you going to? Catch you in there later" as you disappear.


And no, it doesn't look particularly cool either; but then again, "technician" isn't a cool word :D :D


Always love seeing the "sir wensleydale grammar school - tech CREW" t-shirts going round the show - one way of guaranteeing you wont be paid any attention by the exhibitors!
Possibly the most astute observation I've ever read in a PLASA thread :D


Looks like Tuesday only for me now. Maybe Wednesday as well, but possibly not for very long.

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[<snipped hilarious observational comedy from Nick>


Looks like Tuesday only for me now. Maybe Wednesday as well, but possibly not for very long.

** laughs out loud **.

You know with your permission, Nick, I think I'll add this little tirade to my theatre fun pages on our web site!


And (despite the differences we had about a hundred years ago, I think it'd be nice to meet you there - Tuesday's my day (whether in black polo or not!! :D).....



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Guest lightnix
[<snipped hilarious observational comedy from Nick>
You know with your permission, Nick, I think I'll add this little tirade to my theatre fun pages on our web site!
You're too kind, by all means quote away :D


I'll be dressed sensibly on Tuesday: probably grey jacket, white shirt & nice tie job. I'll be mostly hanging around LED stands and the PSA area, along with anything else that catches my eye.


Despite the restrictions on photography, I may see if I can "snap a stereotype" (as described) or two.


Watch this space (and the birdie) :D :D

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[<snipped hilarious observational comedy from Nick>
You know with your permission, Nick, I think I'll add this little tirade to my theatre fun pages on our web site!
You're too kind, by all means quote away :D

Duly added - it's on a page ALL of it's own at the moment! (Page 11)

Go HERE and follow the 'Theatre Fun' links.

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