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Le Maitre pyro display


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I was at the 12 o clock today.


Very impressive, and I felt it was very artistic and fitted nicely to the music. The short preceding talk was also good.


My 2 colleagues and I were right at the front, two of us ended up peeling streamers out of my hair. (The other had a sensible haircut)

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I was at the 12 o clock today.

My 2 colleagues and I were right at the front, ....

Then I was about 6 yards behind you to your left! :(


One of my colleague's commented that oneof the nice things about the demo was that we didn't have to clear up the fallout!! (as she was amongst those who ends up sweeping up the glitter/streamers/confetti after the panto finale! And will again next January!!!)


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Hi all,


Many thanks for your kind comments, I am glad that you enjoyed the display! I managed to film it a few times and have just clipped it together. you can watch it HERE, but be warned, I like a good quality video, so it is a 16meg wmv - so broadband is a must!!



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I looked at the video , must say very nice mark. two questions if I may.....


1 ) Was the show programed?


2 ) Do I assume you program the show, then on each button push fires that cue and moves on to the next cue ready for firing?



many thanks





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1 ) Was the show programed?


2 ) Do I assume you program the show, then on each button push fires that cue and moves on to the next cue ready for firing?


1, Yes the show was pre programmed into the controller before the show, this is done with software theat is then downloaded into the controller.


2, No, it can do that, that is manual mode on the Pyrodigital Controller, I was firing the show in Auto Mode and the music was locked alongside a timecode, this timecode was patched into the controller and the cues happen on time.



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It's truly lovely that everyone's being so complimentary and warm and fluffy about the display. The demands of a production week prevented a visit to PLASA this year, but I watched the video of the pyro display, and while it did look very nice, I have to say that I wasn't at all keen on the long gaps. Ooooooooooooh, controversial! :P
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Aah but Gareth, it fitted with the music so very well with the gaps!


Apart from the very end, where the music has lots of loud staccato bits, and the pyro is slightly out of sync with the music (but then who really expects offsets on pyro cue times, which would take a fair bit of trial and error to work out, and probably wouldn't be very consistent, with the variable nature of pyro, anyway?)

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