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How much power consumption on lamp strike?


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I have just "inherited" a couple of unbranded HMI2500 Sky Roses.


Just let me say... be careful.


Out here everyone loves the big sky gobo effect fixtures, they're available dime a dozen for cheap chinese copied ones, along with sharpys, city colours and atomics.


I do know somebody for whom the temptation got too much and he bought into some rather than buying their 'genuine' cousins. The result was not pretty and fortunately being an exterior roof the fire only savaged the unit and the one next to it... but had it been indoors it might not have been so good. I will ask him for a photo, it was full on "On fire" like a little bonfire with the base of a moving light at the bottom, not just a bit melted.


They do not go through the same QC as western units and, especially in the factories where western supervision is low / non existent, the factories will try to swap out as many 'specified' parts as possible, for low quality and inferior alternatives which, as far as getting the boxes out the door is concerned, appear to do the job alright. But this can mean wire which you would consider a bit thin to use on your hifi speakers supplying power to the lamp, because for the 30 seconds the run it in the factory it may not melt.


So yeah, not a lecture or a party pooper, but do be aware these things can be dangerous to you and those around you particularly with the high power things like sky cannons.

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Your 28A "capacitor" is a Mains Filter that come in many shapes and sizes, but are usually circular so look like a power factor correction capacitor. They have at least four connections for active and neutral in and out. If you look on the side of the can, there will be a diagram of the filter.
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