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Random question about effects in theatre


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The Kid is referring to "subliminal" messages, where only a couple of frames contain the image. You don't conciously see them, but the brain does register.


And yes, it is illegal in the UK. (TV for sure, probably film too but I don't know)

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Marketing , it's just the subliminal stuff thats illegal - I think it was Spitting Image got into trouble for it, putting a face over a naked woman for a split second.


Disney do a few shows with scents - apple pie in Philharmonic, stink bug in Tough to be a bug and cheese hot dog in Stitch's great escape, multi jets at about 1 per 2 seats for most theatres, they seem to clear the air really fast, cause you dont notice it it going in, and their shows are every 20min.



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The Kid is referring to "subliminal" messages, And yes, it is illegal in the UK.


We've got a beer ad for Tui beer with a subliminal message in it here, its quite funny and we're all pretty relaxed about it. They've been doing it for years, as far as I can determine.


The ad is to found on Youtube several times over (search for tui), for example

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I saw a show at the Hershey factory in America where at the end the pumped too much chocolate scent in, with the exit leading into the gift shop! Although I guess in moderation it could be a nice touch. Maybe at the end of a production so that it isn't such a problem if it lingers?
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I worked on a Northern Stage show a few years ago, which was fundamentally an installation of an apartment on stage. The "audience" walked from room to room, where small performances occurred. The designer used various scents on the carpet tiles, so that as the audience walked around, the smells would be released. They ranged from pleasant smells such as lavender, to stale urine, depending on what the performance in the room ahead was. They also had a working kitchen, where they cooked delicious smelling soup (a nightmare for hungry technicians working on the performance!)
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