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New Lighting Set Up - Help please


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Please don't don't take this the wrong way but if you do I understand.


For christ's sake you are at secondary school! How do you think you know better than people that have already posted on here with a lot of experience? I find your post more than a little patronising to the guy asking the questions. On you go mate, nip down and use all your big contacts to sort him out.



Yes I will take that the wrong way as I havent been in secondary school for over 3 years! And have been working in the industry for a while. Regardless of that fact, have a look through some of my other posts before you question my ability.


At least one of the contact I no in the area is a company called Lite Relief. I have done work for them before. They handle installs etc aswell as hire.

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Standard Pars will cost more than LED regardless if they're £10 jobbies or not. By the time you add a lamp, hook clamp, saftey bond they're about the same. Then think for that you need pre-wired bars, dimming, lots of cabling etc.


If you can supply L.E.D pars for less than normal ones then I'd love to buy some from you!!!!


:** laughs out loud **:

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Yes I will take that the wrong way as I havent been in secondary school for over 3 years! And have been working in the industry for a while. Regardless of that fact, have a look through some of my other posts before you question my ability.

Er, Dave, before you shout at him you might want to look at your profile which says...


Student at Secondary School at the moment!


Going to do a B-TEC National Diploma in september at Chichester college (hopefully).


Just today received confirmation of a job with Butlins, Bognor Regis over the summer holidays.


You can update it using the 'My Controls' link top right on this page.

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Get yourself a new keyboard, Saturn - all your punctuation keys seem to be broken on the one you have. Oh, and the Blue Room admin have taken the time and effort to build a pretty good spell checker into the site - it's worth running your posts through it.
Oh I'm sorry I thourght this site was here to help peaple not about spelling and grammar........ I stand corrected!!!!!


:** laughs out loud **:

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Hi there Gareth,

we have recently completed an install at our church, and, like you the spec was a more rock and roll set up. The room we have done is similar in size to yours and ours is specifically set up for our kids work.

We had to work to a limited budget and fortunately we have a sparks as a member of our church so al the necessary electrics was done by him.


I think as has been stated before your 2k budget will not give you a great deal.


Our rig consists of the follwing


2 x UV strips

12 x par 56's

2 x 10A dimmers

1 fat frog desk

1 x GL300 le maitre haze machine

2 stairville moving heads elc

2 x stairville moving head discharge lamp

4 x pearll river moving heads


We managed by use of ebay and usedlighting to get this lot for 4k. My suggestion is to go back to your leadership and try and get more dosh to achieve your spec. You are of course more than welcome to visit our church in kent and have a look for yourself if you think that may help.




Moderator Edit: Removed superfluous http://s from links :** laughs out loud **:

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Oh I'm sorry I thourght this site was here to help peaple not about spelling and grammar........ I stand corrected!!!!!


If we cannot understand what you are saying, then there is less incentive to reply to your posts!


The issue of grammar and punctuation has been discussed at considerable length. The majority of posters, including the people who run the site believe this issue to be important!



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people are very close to boiling point in this thread.


One of the big problems with the BR is that many people have been on it a long time, and see the same threads come up over and over again.


Many people, like me, look at peoples profiles. The best ones are the ones that are truthful about 'where' and 'what' level people are working at. Most of the real experienced people tend to play down their profiles - they don't name drop all the time - pointless as they work continuously with the 'names' - other people shall we say, expand their experience a bit. Working in the get-in crew for a big name is a bit of a stretch to 'worked for...'.


Text speak, one of the other problems, is covered ad nauseum on the forums. The result is, that new members, who don't realise text speak automatically generates the wrath of hell, use it in ignorance.


It isn't that we are unfriendly, but most queries are technically difficult to express in words, and text speak just doesn't cut it. I know it is in current useage, and not just for texts, but it is not acceptable here. You either get flamed, or people decide not to even answer you. We do make assumptions about people from the style of their posts, and in most cases we get it right. text speak infers things generally - maybe sometimes not accurately - but that's life.


Life on the blue room is usually trouble free - but this thread seems to have stired all the little needles that prickle people.


So to avoid all the troublesome comments - keep profiles updated and write in ordinary english - then we can continue.

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For front washes, you pretty much have 3 options:


Par Cans: Require dimmer/patch and multiple lights for each colour, strong reds, weak blues


LED Par cans:Weak but don't require dimmers or patching, needs DMX run out to them


Robotic Washes: Requires no dimmers/patching and are very powerful, less powerful in the reds, more in the blues, slightly higher power draw. needs DMX run out to them. Showtec do a good one. (300-400 pounds each, 7 colour wash, Intensity, 250w discharge lamp.) You need less robotics since each has 7 (or more) colours.


For robotic nightclub effects, shop around, highlite do a few good ones.


Again for controllers, shop around.


The main thing to do though is get bars up and power to those bars, If your going to use undimmed lamps, ie. LEDs or Robotics you only need a couple of circuits (one a side) but a patch system for Pars is going to eat at your budget.


Shop around for the best prices but beware, any light you buy needs a hook clamp and safety bond, and LEDs are much weaker than tungsten or discharge lamps.

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Back to the original post......



Have a look at the terralec catalogue, Terralec they have a wide range of lighting, including pars, scanners and moving heads. Their prices aren't too bad.


One other point, as you are a church, you may be able to reclaim the VAT from your purchases. If you can, this would give you a higer budget :** laughs out loud **:

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And one thing that seems to have been overlooked is: how do you plan on controlling all of the gear? A decent desk alone will shave off a good portion of your budget; a cheap one might bite you in the rear later on when you realize it can't do so-and-so and you really need it to...


We now return you to your regularly scheduled thread.

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Hi Gareth

Portsmouth Sound and Light have just hooked up with a major lighting company, and it looks like they are in your area, I'm told they can get you a finance deal that makes sense, then you could get some proper gear that will do what it says on the tin. Plus you get a huge guarantee, pro advice from the manufacturer and time to pay for it.

Just a thought




Moderation: excess quoting removed. Quck rule of thumb - if the amount you quote is more than the amount you write then something is wrong.

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Hi Gareth

Portsmouth Sound and Light have just hooked up with a major lighting company, and it looks like they are in your area, I'm told they can get you a finance deal that makes sense, then you could get some proper gear that will do what it says on the tin. Plus you get a huge guarantee, pro advice from the manufacturer and time to pay for it.

Just a thought


You wouldn't work for the company involved, would you?


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