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Monitors - Any suggestions?


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For what its worth, as a reasonable wedge I have used and spec'ed Logic System boxes. Not the best out there, but well built and a reasonable sound. Also dual concentric, so theoretically quite useful as extra PA. Additionally the chaps at LS are terribly friendly and offer great service. They maybe a bit more £ per box than your budget, but significantly less than a MAX, with the added bonus that they are new ( and hence have the warranty and cover you would expect).
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Another vote for Logic Systems here. My main PA is one of theirs, and on occasions I've used the tops as wedges (which they're nicely shaped to do.)


And yes - great customer service. When I bought the system, I was without transport but Logic System's MD happened to be in the shop and offered me a lift home! Can't complain!

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Hi, I have to say that I think you'll find it difficult to find a £250 wedge which is enough better than the JBLs to justify the hassle of changing them. I was kind of thinking about the things that you can do to make your existing wedges more efficient. Just a couple of annoying questions - when you said that they blow their diaphrams every 6 months, is this just one or two, or all of them? Also, is this on any particular musician or mix that they go - eg. drum wedge etc?


The three things that I thought of to help would be:


1) Buy a behringer dcx2496? DSP unit and some more amp channels, and biamp the wedges - get someone who has done this before to set it up for you though! Also high passing at 80 or 100hz could mean that the amp is pushed less when powering them.


2)Properly implement a stereo pairs solution using the wedges - its not ideal, but it may work?


3)Quieten down the stage a little - drum cages, vdrums, bass DIs, small guitar amps pointed across the stage. You've heard it all before! In this vein you could ensure that you're not sharing mixes between musos if possible, you might then end up pushing the wedges less if they aren't trying to keep up with a muso who wants to hear everything through his wedge mix.


I know its quite basic, but it might help!



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Hello everyone,


Thanks for you help with this, there are some ideas I will look into.

Some people mentioned IEMs, we are in the process of starting to use IEMs regularly but its just a question of getting members of the worship group used to them and confident in using them. Also this wouldn't be appropriate for everyone.

I think alot of the new things we have introduced would stop the horns blowing again and who knows it may have just been operator error but I feel we have lost confidence in these boxes and would welcome a change.

Thanks for your help, hopefully I'll be able to return the favour in the not to distant future!



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