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Moving Heads (Movers)


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The last four posters are bang on. If you can't use a fresnel or a profile properly, you're never going to be able to use a moving head properly. Walk before you try to run....I think also that there's a culture of laziness beginning to creep in - it's much easier to spin a few rotaries to shift a light than it is to get up a tallescope or a scaff to actually spend five minutes focusing a light correctly, so people take the "easy" road out. Plus the "I want it all now" syndrome is there - the younger members of the industry (I say this from the wise old age of nearly 27!) don't seem to want to spend the time learning about the basics; they want all the flash toys NOW.
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I'll join the generics club!


Give me a nice profile or fresnel over a mover anyday. No complex troubleshooting, you focus it and it stays there, and its cheaper.

And as for the angle comments, I totally agree, one of the largest factors in a light's 'mood' is the angle it hits the object. When we have movers that can x,y across the grid then I may treat them with more enthusiasm.


Also movers seem to lead to unimaginative design, people just spin them round instead of actually thinking about moods and looks.


I could go on...



an 18 yr old f*rt...

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Basically I want this thread to come to an end soon so as a nice round-off here is what I have got for defenat.


10 1K Par 62's

6 Pat 60's

4 Pat 123

20 PC's (Fresnel)

Few other floods which I do not know the name of

2 Par 16's (Birdies)

2 Spot lights (Not sure what they are think they are Patts and have long "noses")

4 ETC Source 4

2 Trackspots (Because I need them to light the disco ball and change colour while they do this and I can get them for free and because I need the beem on them to move around for various reasons)

2 Robe Colourspot 170AT (For a search light scene to act with the trackspots and because there are a couple of scenes which require them)


Lighting Desk: Etc 48/96 (Again because it is free)


This rig could have some more generics added to it but certainly no more movers

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I mean this with the most respect and I'm in no way picking on you however I really think you should stop and do a bit of research, some of the things on your equipment list for example simply don't exist.


After doing a bit of research I would have a play with everything, find out how it works, what it can do etc. Start with the generics. If your anything like me you will learn a lot more from playing than reading; what shape beam do they have? how is it focused? does the beam have a hard or soft edge? can this be changed? what does the lens look like? can you change the position of the lamp in relation to the reflector? what does this achieve? what can you do with the shutters?


Have a think about how things look like under normal lighting, think about shadows and where the light would realistically be coming from.


There is a lot to being a lighting designer however it can be hugely rewarding to sit back and look at a design you created and be happy with it, whatever you do keep playing and never assume you know everything.

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That's a nice range of kit. So....

what't the synopsis you're working from?

Can you move the kit around or does it have to stay put?

Does it actually work?

Do you have spare lamps for when you pop them when moving the kit about?

Are they PCs or Fresnels?

Where are they?

Do you have extra circuits if you move them

What specials will you have?

How are you proposing to control the very expensive mirror ball lights.

How will moving head fixtures up in the air reproduce the effect of search lights.

So many questions


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I mean this with the most respect and I'm in no way picking on you however I really think you should stop and do a bit of research, some of the things on your equipment list for example simply don't exist.


After doing a bit of research I would have a play with everything, find out how it works, what it can do etc. Start with the generics.


When I said PAR 1K 62 I meant - a longnose par 64 with a 62 lantern (the medium focus lense possibly but I could be wrong)


I am not sure of the exact name of the fresnels but I heard someone call them PC's so thats what I have called them. Other than that all the other stuff exists because we have them! (except the birdies and the movers)


Like I said I want this thread to come to an end soon so hopefull it shouldnt be too long

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Basically I want this thread to come to an end soon so as a nice round-off here is what I have got for defenat.


With that lot you can do quite a good job. Assuming you mean that the PARs have got CP62 lamps in them then have a look on here at some of the 'how do I light' threads where things like 4-colour washes are described.


Use the PARs for some of the deeper wash colours, the PCs for the lighter colours and the source 4's for highlighting soloists. The rest you can use for specials and floor lights.


Job done. Oh, and I charge a minimum design fee....


You see what I did there? I took a pile of assorted generic lanterns and have come up with a set-up which will work. It might not be the most complex/interesting/challenging/artistic but I can guarantee it will work and look good. With that lot going you'll have a nice broad pallette to play with which you can busk all night with. I could walk into your venue with a couple of hours to doors with just a pile of gels and know I'd get the show up on time.


Now, try doing that with a pile of movers....

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Every show I have done I could have told the director that I 'needed' movers, but every show I have worked bl***y hard to get the effects I want with generics. The only time I used movers in a show was when we did guys and dolls, but that was because I set up a solid generic rig, and wanted to use some barrel scanners on some of the scenes.
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You need a pair of trackspots to illuminate a mirror ball?! :stagecrew:


For mirror ball lights which need to change colour I'd be looking at a pair of:

a) Source 4 with colour scroller

b) Martin colour changer e.g. CX 2 or Robocolour depending on hire stock availability

c) Cheap Maplin colour changer - I've got a couple which are often used to illuminate a mirror ball in a 600 capacity nightclub room, so should be fine on stage.


Or, super low tech - a set of three birdies on each side with three different gels in. Can still colour change & won't need someone to check the roof won't collapse when you rig them.

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I have just got 4 movers total and it is because I need them

But the question is WHY do you need them?

I work in an amateur venue that hosts a long list of shows each year from dance shows to plays to variety to musicals to panto.


The vast majority of the shows do NOT use movers, even though we own a small number. I have hired in Macs to add to the 2 goldenscans we have hung permanently and the 4 Pin-Scans, but that's only for specific shows - eg we do an annual Stars in their eyes fundraiser and I make good use of the movers then. But when I do the major panto in January, the only thing I tend to use the house Goldies for is to fill in as specials when they fit what I need to do. I used them in one panto scene a couple of years ago to follow (on a preset cue) a character across the front of the auditorium - wasn't worth bringing in follow spot op's just for one 2-minute section, and it fit the bill nicely.


Now this next January, I may be looking at some movers (not Macs etc) on free-loan as an assessment of them as a lantern, but I'll only be using these, I suspect, in the same way - fill where needed and possibly as a bit of a flashy turn for the finale (though maybe not....) but if they are not available, I won't lose sleep and the show will still be lit as per standard! (Quick plug for the PR Pantomime!! - photo's on the Past productions link! :stagecrew:)


What I'm saying (as is everyone else) is that just because you have them you don't have to use them....

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I am deffinately going to be using the robe's. no question although taking into account what everyone has said I might just stick some scrollers on sources fours for the mirror ball. although all depends.


but is there anyway in which I can close this thread!?


If not I will just leave the thread and let it expire


(edited for spelling)

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