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Custom Gobos


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You could always use something like a Solar 250 and switch the rotation, so that the minute hand moves a little towards midnight, as required, whilst the hour hand and clock face remains stationary. Not cheap though.... Just a thought as always! :stagecrew:
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And another question...

What size is the Stairville gobo? Not sure whether they'd be a standard size (a-la Mac 250 or 500) or an awkward bespoke size....


Doesn't really matter if it's a non-standard size so long as you know the outer diameter of the gobo and the maximum image diameter, though whether this information is available for cheaper fixtures is another matter.


No, The Gobos dont need to roate I just thougfht someone asked if the Head had roataing Gobos or not ! it does but are not needed for this. Thanks for your reccomendations !


What Ynot was asking earlier is whether it had an indexable rotating wheel. If the wheel is only a rotating without indexing, then there is no guarantee that the clock will be the right way up each time.

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Hi, just to confuse matters...


I did Cinderella several years ago, (Round about Christmas time as well, strangely enough...) To do the clock, I used p0wer p01nt and a high power projector. I was able to have several time changes too!


One problem in doing it this way, is that even set to black, there is still a terrible amount of light coming from it, not something to be used close to a blackout...



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No, The Gobos dont need to roate I just thougfht someone asked if the Head had roataing Gobos or not ! it does but are not needed for this.

You've still not slaked my curiosity, Tom - why/how does the clock need to move - ie therefore necessitate the moving head? It does seem an indulgence, to be honest, and one that may cost more than necessary. After all, even if the school has no spare profiles, hiring one or two will be much cheaper than renting any mover. And you can then simply use a stock clock gobo or two from any of the suppliers listed above...



The clock dosnt need to move but the head needs to move as it moves to point on a mirror ball also in the Ball Room scene. I cant change the head now, its already been programmed. Its also not a school. its using my own kit and some on loand from a man who worked for Strand Lighting. Plus the mover belongs to me , so its costing me nil.

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Still strikes me that you'd be better off with a stock gobo in a profile. Just because your mover is there doesn't mean that you have to use it for this application. Would certainly be cheaper than a custom gobo. And surely re-plotting a couple of cues isn't that difficult?


(How come gobo isn't in the spell checker? :) )

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The panto is in January. I know the mover is a budget Mover but it does have indexable and rotating gobos. Cant use profile as its the moving aspect of it that is required, alas havent got the budget to Hire an expensive one.



I must say I'm surprised that the gobos are indexable, but I'm bemused as to why the clock face needs to move....

Can you indulge me, and satisfy my curiosity - tell us why?


I to was surprised to here that a budget mover would have indexable gobos and, after a quick goggle found that it doesn't!

just to clarify the term indexable this is where if say you have a gobo that has text on, "HAPPY CHRISTMAS" for instance and this gobo is in a moving light and you want the words on the cyc at the back of the stage to add a bit of Christmas cheer to an otherwise soul destroying annual concert, you point the mover at the cyc put in the gobo and then turn it over so its the right way up, then you record that as a cue. when you replay the cue if you have indexed the gobo it will be the right way up, if not it will just be at any old angle!

hope that helps.

I'm on the use a profile for the clock as the gobo will only cost £8 but for a custom size for your mover (27.9mm)google again it will cost near £30 just for a stock gobo in a silly size. pointing movers at mirror balls is a good idea so its well worth a free mover for that job!!#


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What a shame. This was shaping up to be one of those very rare BR occasions when a young lighting designer could actually justify his use of a moving light, and wasn't just using one for the sake of it "because he could". But without indexable rotating gobos, I'm afraid this simply isn't going to work as an effect, for the reasons that others have explained above.
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The clock dosnt need to move but the head needs to move as it moves to point on a mirror ball also in the Ball Room scene. I cant change the head now, its already been programmed. Its also not a school. its using my own kit and some on loand from a man who worked for Strand Lighting. Plus the mover belongs to me , so its costing me nil.
Now, Tom.....

First you say that

I know the mover is a budget Mover but it does have indexable and rotating gobos. Cant use profile as its the moving aspect of it that is required, alas havent got the budget to Hire an expensive one.
THEN you say
The clock dosnt need to move but the head needs to move as it moves to point on a mirror ball also in the Ball Room scene.
I cant change the head now, its already been programmed
The panto is in January.

Hmmm.... (tm Ynot).

You've described to us two uses for the mover, neither of which really NEED a mover.

OK - if the fixture is yours and you're using it at the school panto FoC, then OK - no budget involved there (though has it been recently PAT tested??).

But the issue as I (and I feel many others contributing) is that to buy a custom gobo to fit the mover is going to cost around £40, maybe more. A stock gobo in a decent 575/600W profile is going to be WAY better than sticking it in a 150W mover, and is going to cost you less than a tenner, I'd say, plus the hire cost of the profile (IF the school doesn't have one available). And if, as Pete has found from his Google, the gobos are NOT indexable, then trying to use the mover for this purpose just won't work! You'll NOT be able to guarantee the clock face is going to be even close to being in the right position at all.

So the recommendation from the experienced heads seems to be why make life awkward for yourself when the simple solution would actually be better???


And if this panto is in January, how on earth have you managed to programme it at the start of December??? :)

Any school shows that I've EVER been involved with (as a student around 50 years ago, and as an adult supplier/designer ever since) have NEVER been even close to ready for lighting til very close to the show dates!!! I think your statement that you can't change the fixture now may be more a case of won't change it .....

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