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Please Recommend DMX Lighting Software


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I use bluelite.. good basic option and good expansion capabilities.. basic hardware option is reletivaly cheap and then you can buy better hardware upto 16 universes I think..


I sometimes feel the software is a little limited and hasn't had much development gone into it recently.. hopefuly that'll change soon.. DMX control software is moving so fast it would be a shame for them not to keep up, considering I think the hardware they've produced is great..


but if you want to integrate it into another solution (i.e. write your own software), then bluelite is great, as it has a programming API...


also the SMTPE input/output is great and the DMX input/output is rock solid..


also it integrates into capture and arkaos (I believe)..


well worth a look..





p.s. don't work for bluelite or sell it, just a user...

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I sometimes feel the software is a little limited and hasn't had much development gone into it recently..


This kind of goes with my one size fits all point above. It is hard to be all things to all users. Last year, a lot of energy went into some OEM applications of our DMX core (ironically at 3 very different positions in the lighting spectrum (pun intended)). But that doesn't mean that we haven't been laying some ground work for some new things. For example, very shortly - hopefully next week, we'll be releasing a BlueLite Edition of Capture. It is no secret we've long been fans and are really happy to be working with their team and putting out what we think is a great tools in people's hands at a price point that our users have come to expect.


Right after that we'll be releasing a public beta of a new Cue Stack tool. Originally, we thought there would be a release with the cue stack before the end of the year, but after it got some serious field work, we went back to the drawing board and started over (not that it was buggy - it just was not the sort of UI model the users expected). We're doing a public beta so that theatrical users, etc. can help us refine it.


There are some other features from the work over the last 6 months that will be appearing in the BlueLite software over the first part of this year as well, but if I tell you - Daniel will kill me.


And, for the record - I *am* a company man and, no, the post above mine is not a plant (had we tried to do some lame viral marketing, I would have refrained from using terms like "utter crap" in other posts in the same thread).




Edit: One note, every BlueLite system is 16 Universes. As long as you have at least one of our adapters, all 16 universes are available via ArtNet. You can populate all 16 Universes with our USB based adapters, but there is nothing wrong with using ArtNet->DMX adapters or directly controlling ArtNet aware stuff.


The whole feature-subsets-license-per-universe thing always struck us as a fiasco waiting to happen. When disaster strikes (hard disk dies..., etc.), you shouldn't have to wait until the next day for us to re-issue you a 'key'. If you've working hardware, everything is unlocked and the latest version, with drivers built in, is always on the front page of our web site. My 'if the tour is long enough, the worst will always happen' paranoia is also the reason that everything you need to run or edit a show goes in one file - no gotchas with missing fixture template files or whatever.

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Right after that we'll be releasing a public beta of a new Cue Stack tool. Originally, we thought there would be a release with the cue stack before the end of the year, but after it got some serious field work, we went back to the drawing board and started over (not that it was buggy - it just was not the sort of UI model the users expected). We're doing a public beta so that theatrical users, etc. can help us refine it.

sounds interesting..


a BlueLite Edition of Capture

how do you mean? you have integrated bluelite into capture? or capture into bluelite? can you explain a little more..


some of things I was thinking about that would be useful are:

Macros - being able to define a macro and assign it to a sub..

Livepanel audio beat input - saves lots of hassle hitting the space bar.


updates to the API, to get cue names rather than just typing in the numbers.. better access to the event list to read events, add events, modify events.. add the ability to get the DMX in values, this would enable you to control the live panel from and external source..


just a few thoughts..







I've just noticed that v1.4 has some of these features in already!! I must have missed that for some reason..

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a BlueLite Edition of Capture

how do you mean? you have integrated bluelite into capture? or capture into bluelite? can you explain a little more..


It is essentially Capture Standard, but only connects to BlueLite. The key was to get a price point that matches what our users have come to expect.


some of things I was thinking about that would be useful are:

Macros - being able to define a macro and assign it to a sub..

Livepanel audio beat input - saves lots of hassle hitting the space bar.


LivePanel does have audio beat input. Select Config, BPM Setup, and select Audio. You then pick an audio input and one of two beat detection algorythms. One is literal beat detection (energy/time), the other is more of a software phase lock loop (like beat detection in DJ software).


Also, if you use either DMX In or the Automation API to control the system you can do 'macros' of a sort. You can trigger pre-programmed sections in the event list.


updates to the API, to get cue names rather than just typing in the numbers.. better access to the event list to read events, add events, modify events.. add the ability to get the DMX in values, this would enable you to control the live panel from and external source..


Cue names and DMX in are very good suggestions. I'm not sure how practical access to the event list would be. Typically, the API is used to write alternatives to the Event List (LivePanel, Cue Stack, etc.) or helpers (MP3 lock, scheduler). I have added direct manipulation of DMX output - to support things like tech remotes.


The Live Panel does currently have native MIDI input, though DMX control of both the LivePanel and the upcoming Cue Stack are excellent suggestions.


just a few thoughts..




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  • 1 year later...

Welcome to the B.R :-)


Chamsys MagicQ offers variants which run on non-Windoze machines, too (Mac, Linux)


Have a look at the ChamSys download page to play about with the software. You can download the full version, which can support DMX adapters, for free!


It's also worth having a quick search on the BR, as I'm fairly sure this topic has been covered before, and can give more comprehensive and specific answers.

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Do NOT buy a DMX dongle until you've chosen your software.


There is no such thing as a 'universal' DMX dongle - each piece of software only supports a limited list of dongles.


Once you have chosen your software, the choice of dongle will become obvious.

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  • 5 months later...

I'm looking for a "serious" software. I'm not doing LJ activities but theater, musical, music concerts, ...


I need something which is:

  • reliable
  • PC-based
  • fully MIDI-controllable

I'm currently using BlueLite from Innovate Show Controls which is a very good software but unfortunately the software has not been updated from about 1 year. I've a MIDI controller with many faders, buttons which allows me to do real-time control of the software. This is why I don't want to buy a dedicated wing. I want to use my MIDI controller and try another software until a BlueLite update is released.


I've done many searches in the forum and fund some interesting softwares:

  • MagicQ PC
  • Jands Vista App
  • Hog 3PC

Are these software fully MIDI-controllable? Can somebody tell me more about these softs or another interesting ones which could meet my requirements?

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  • fully MIDI-controllable

PCStage is very MIDI controllable (and PC based and reliable), perhaps the most MIDI controllable bit of software out there, but if moving lights are your thing then PCStage isn't the greatest of moving light control software. I should also say the downside is the flexibility of how PCStage triggering works makes the learning curve steep, and the effort significant.

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PCStage is very MIDI controllable (and PC based and reliable), perhaps the most MIDI controllable bit of software out there, but if moving lights are your thing then PCStage isn't the greatest of moving light control software. I should also say the downside is the flexibility of how PCStage triggering works makes the learning curve steep, and the effort significant.

Thanks for the suggestion. But I've often to control many moving lights (20 or more). I've had a look on your website and on the official PCStage website. I think this software will not meet my requirements.

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Lightfactory has MIDI control. With no location in your profile, I'm guessing that you're not UK based, but Lightfactory can be obtained from Zero88. Peter Kirkup is a member here and goes under the user name of "peter". You could try a PM to him for more information.



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