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Teaching lighting


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One of the staff taught a class with cheap torches from the local tesco, and to my amazement it worked, and clearly got across the basic principles of lighting. This was a class of year 8 kids, and they loved it. As a step up from that, I now setup a followspot at floor level with primary colours in the magazine, and the teacher is moving onto colours. Eventually, they will get to use the rig, but by that time, they will at least have a clue about the techniques and use of colour.
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Hiya Glenn


I have just moved into the education sector [july 2006] and I totally synpathise.

I was use to much older students with working knowledge of everything technical, I am now explaining stuff to 13 year olds!!!!.

It took me a while to [for want of a better word] `dum` it down into bite size nuggets of information that they can cope with, without boring them with to much `techcie` speak.

all they want is to turn lights on and off, the key is to get them thinking about what light `does` to a set or an actor on an artistic level rather than going on and on about 1k`s and power supplies and Lee 106 and parabolic reflecters and DMX etc etc...[guilty]


On the teaching/demonstrating question, my school get round it by including technical theatre in the `Activities` sessions. they do not class it as `Teaching` even though that is exactly what it is!



P.S. The STSG is a very useful resourse.


Yours Dave.

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