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Velcro cable ties


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I quite like the velcro ties, although the majority seem to be, just that little bit to short for the job, I prefer good old PVC, so long as people strip the whole used piece off the cable when they use it. Nothing winds me up quite like spending time stripping tiny bits of white PVC of a black cable because others cant be bothered. As for reusable cable ties they are ok I guess but the most secure type with the little tag you press are fiddly and the ones with the open top and sides you squeeze seem to get weak and let go on heavier cables.


Anyway thats my 2p in the pot



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If the cable is being used regularly, PVC is fine. However, for that Scart - 2x XLR and 1x BNC adaptor that gets used once-in-a-blue-moon, then I use wire bag-ties. No goo, re-usable to an extent, and available on a roll with built in cutter from garden centres and CPC.
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I have been using velcro ties for the last four years. I still have the same original one's. I use them for neatly holding wound cabling together then when setting up for fixing wiring neatly around my truss.


I just bought the adhesive type (hook & felt) and then adhered them to each other. You can make them any length you need.


The great thing about them is the speed they can be done & undone & they hold solidly.

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... As for reusable cable ties they are ok I guess but the most secure type with the little tag you press are fiddly and the ones with the open top and sides you squeeze seem to get weak and let go on heavier cables.
Those little tags are nasty. I use releasable nylon ties with BIG tags - something like 6x2.5mm. Very robust and durable - we've been using the same batch of ties for more than 6 years.


I've been looking for a source of new ones and I believe that they are available from RS in lengths from 140 to 298mm.


See part numbers: 549-870/886 and 287-6562/6578/6584. A keyword search on "releasable" returns them in the top six.


RS also stock Velcro cable ties.



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Not a fan of velcro ties personally - after a while they will be gunged up with fluff and lose their stick...

I'm afraid I must beg to differ.


I have had the same set of VDC velcro ties on a number of cables for almost 8 years (probably longer). The Canford ones are on their second or third year and are still amazingly grippy.


What brand do you use - maybe they're to be avoided...


I have used pvc tape and even masking tape to good effect (if you don't leave it on for too long), but I find velcro so much easier.


Dave M

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I have used ... masking tape to good effect (if you don't leave it on for too long), but I find velcro so much easier.

Please. Leave now.


I use PVC. I have also found most of the velcro type ties that you can get over here pretty cr@p. Best I've seen were Proel ones but I understand they no longer are made. Or make your own and sew onto cables...


(As an added bonus to the PVC I can use, say, orange pvc and know that if a cable has orange on it, then I coiled it and it doesn't need re-doing. Orange is a "specialty" colour- at least over here)

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I have used ... masking tape to good effect (if you don't leave it on for too long), but I find velcro so much easier.

Please. Leave now.

I know, my shame knows no bounds!


We went through a period where we tested different ways of decuring coiled cables. Masking tape actually worked fine and wasn't goopy. We decided that pvc tape or velcro is the way forward...



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At the risk of making this thread split...

In my personal stock of 40 lengths of TRS cable, I find that I don't use them all on every gig. Sometimes, the third box just stays at home. This means some cable only gets its yearly use at the school show in February, the rest getting used more frequently. I have got fed up of the tape holding the cable together making a mess when it hasn't been used for a year. Although the two bands of tape to identify them as mine, are still fine, 5/7 years after making them! I went down the velcro system, although the ties are home made, thus are removable from the cable and get shoved in the box.

A friend of mine ties a knot in the cable bundle, which is by far and away the fastest method of doing it, and no risk of getting riggers foot, but you might not approve of that idea.

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