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The Great LED PAR can vs PAR 56 shootout


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In the last few weeks we've seen some more 'How bright are LED PAR can' questions so, armed with an empty venue and a pile of kit, I've been doing some real measurements.

Subject 1...

Stairville PAR 64 LED can with 151 leds.



Can was 1000mm from a flat surface. Lux measurements made with incident light meter set to 2870K.




R 120 lux

G 640 lux

B 60 lux

R+G+B 738 lux


Beam Angle - Horizontal, 50% = 28 degrees, 10% = 50 degrees

Beam Angle - Vertical, 50% = 26 degrees, 10% = 48 degrees



There is a huge variation in beam angle between the colours causing significant colour fringing. Blue had the narrowest angle and red the widest.


Subject 2...

PAR 56 MFL in short nose can.



as above.




R 2560 lux

G 2140 lux

B 1620 lux

Open 17800 lux


Beam Angle - Horizontal, 50% = 20 degrees, 10% = 30 degrees

Beam Angle - Vertical, 50% = 14 degrees, 10% = 28 degrees



Red was Lee 106, Green was Lee 139 and Blue was Lee 132.



left as an exercise for the reader :(

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Thanks Brian,


Not so much on this forum, but on many others I'm constantly hearing how some LED PARS, such as the Weidmark equals PAR56 or greater output.


I measured the Weidmark PAR (full RBG @ 3 meters =~ 200 LUX).


At least 10 to 20 TIMES less output than a PAR56 (300W)


The 36 LED 1 Watt fixtures are better, but still no where near the output. Not to mention, they are expensive !

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Compare that to the quoted figures for a Thomas PixelPar 90 at 1000mm (though doesn't give any setting for light meter) which are:-


Red - 8158 Lux

Green - 16136 Lux

Blue - 1830 Lux

White - 23460 Lux


In fairness it does have a narrower beam angle to the 'budget' units, but you can see why the list price is over 20 times more!

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my contacts in china have said they'll do some comparisons of their 24x1w and their new 24x3w led parcans, but because if chinese new year everybody has shut down!! will have to wait for them I'm affraid..


cheers for the data anyhow..




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my contacts in china have said they'll do some comparisons of their 24x1w and their new 24x3w led parcans, but because if chinese new year everybody has shut down!! will have to wait for them I'm affraid..

If they are going to provide figures then please can they be done properly? I've been looking at figures for many far east LED products and have yet to find any that are done properly. At the very least, to make sensible comparisons, you need figures similar to the ones I posted.

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