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Pink lx/electrical tape


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It always amazes me that there's not more fuss from the 'feministas' about stuff like this!


Pink tools for ladies sorta suggests a bit of n insult in some ways, though I have to say that my 18-yr old niece requested (and got) a pink toolkit (mainly for her stage work...) for Christmas a couple of years back!!


There are a couple of sites capitalising on the genre though...


Little Pink Toolbox

Little Pink Toolkit

Chick's Pink Toolkit


the last one, however, seems to be the only one with pink PVC tape included...

I'm seldom impressed with the tools in these gimmicky sets, however, as they are on the whole just that - gimmicks.


There are even Pink Toolbags & Belts.......! :stagecrew:


One question, though.....

Apart from being safe in the knowledge that it's unlikely EVER to get pinched, why on EARTH would you want pink leccy tape.....????!! :wacko:

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One question, though.....

Apart from being safe in the knowledge that it's unlikely EVER to get pinched, why on EARTH would you want pink leccy tape.....????!! ;)


In my case I think it stems from a conversation on stage regarding the similarity of our stage to an airport with all of the LX tape markings on a particular show, we had just been asked to mark the position of 'yet another' item in a different colour and had run out of colours to use, and some bright spark mentioned that we hadn't used pink yet... that then started the hunt for new Lx colours.

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I think I've told this story before but I mark all my tools with pink paint/gaffa and it seems to be a sure fire way of hanging onto them. I once got an email from a venue just outside Venice about two years after I last visited saying they found a lump hammer with pink paint on it and thought it might be mine, now I doubt you'd get that with any other colour! Paint also reduces the ebay/pawn-shop value of power tools sufficiently that I'm not as bothered about keeping them chained up.
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One question, though.....

Apart from being safe in the knowledge that it's unlikely EVER to get pinched, why on EARTH would you want pink leccy tape.....????!! :)


You try keeping hold of pink tape in a girls' School!

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  • 3 months later...

OK, topic resurrection time!


The link that Ike posted earlier under "Found some!" no longer lists pink as a colour option. Oh, and they also want to try to charge £1.46 for a roll of sparky tape!! :( :(


So - anyone know where I can get hold of some pink electrical tape? Been having the "what colour shall we use as this year's PAT-test tape?" debate, and pink is the favourite if we can find some ...

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We've already got purple! And that was the PAT-test colour three (or was it four?) years ago. Ah well, it doesn't look like we'll be having pink. Pity, really, I was quite looking forward to that! I guess we'll just have to go back around the bog-standard colours again. How dull! :(


The problem is, there are some colours that we can't use - white, red, orange and blue are already used on bits of equipment for various identification purposes. Oh, and grey was last year's colour. So that limits our choices a bit - hence the search for a 'different' colour.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 weeks later...
how strange is this, I was just looking for pink lx tape last week but could not find any, asked le mark they can have it made, but as it was from marking mains cables I just bought some 48 rolls 25mm wide neon pink gaffa from TMB, look lovely, it means you will find you cable in the back of some one else van nice and quick, but just dont use pink as this is now my colour
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ZigZag lighting in Leeds sell some funny coloured LX tape. I believe Pink is one of them, as is purple. They come in packs of 8 for about 8 quid. The website is quite dated, and is currently down, but their phone number is 0113 250 6980.
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