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harness/ fall gear


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Due to a contract coming to an end I have to return my petzl navaho harness and fall arrest gear to the company. I've found it useful to have, but haven't had quite enough work out of it to justify the cost of replacing it at full cost.

any one here know where to get cheap kit? any one get a discount any where? I really like the look of the new navaho bod!

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I could understand if you were asking people for cheap prices on AJs as they always tend to go missing....


But you are actually looking for cheap Fall Arrest gear.

Personally my life is worth more then a few hundred quid, think of it that way.

You may use a Lanyard a 20 times or just once a month, but what if that once you fall, and you didn’t buy the more expensive correct kit for the job.


Any money spent on adequate PPE is always cheaper then time off work for serious injuries after a fall.


Don’t take the risks with this kind of kit buy it from a well known company like Petzl or HighTek.


Be safe and spend the extra pennies.



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I'm looking for a discount on the gear, not cheap gear. I could've just gone for a cheap and chearful work harness, but I'd rather get the petzl stuff. if it was just pennies, not a problem, but £500 is a bit more than pennies at this time of year.
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Be safe and spend the extra pennies.

Apart from your misunderstanding of the OP:

All safety gear sold legally meets pretty exacting standards. The difference between cheap kit and more expensive stuff is in features, comfort, whistles and bells. Spending more money does not necessarily equate to more safety.


but £500 is a bit more than pennies at this time of year.

How much ?!? I hope you're talking about more than a harness and a lanyard or two there.


It isn't good practice for a company to issue second-hand PPE to someone. Have you tried suggesting this to the company - ie: that they can't really use your harness again for someone else - and making them a reasonable offer for it? (Assuming here that you know its history, blah, blah, all the usual caveats.)


I didn't know there was a new Navaho - not sure I like the look of the Bod myself - that neoprene shoulder yoke looks suspiciously like the Singing Rock industrial harness and when I tried one of those I didn't get on with it very well. Its nice to see them finally acknowledging that the Navaho shoulder straps try to saw the users head off, but I always found wearing a polo shirt is the answer to that. I changed over to the Troll Ibexx a few years ago, and I've never regretted it for a moment. (Though when the time comes for another new one, I think I'll be checking out the SAR Raptor.)


Can't help with cheap gear I'm afraid, if you do find a significantly cheaper supplier than the rest please do post again.


Oh - I do have one money saving tip though. If you're thinking of buying a Petzl ASAP - don't. Go with a SAR Rocker instead. (The Troll Rocker no longer exists, but they're now available from SAR, P+P and ISC, probably among others.) Its a much more useful device, imo, and half the price.

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It isn't good practice for a company to issue second-hand PPE to someone. Have you tried suggesting this to the company - ie: that they can't really use your harness again for someone else - and making them a reasonable offer for it? (Assuming here that you know its history, blah, blah, all the usual caveats.)

Tried that one, hence I got the £500. I agree with all you said there. I've had the harness for over a year now, so that's quite a dent in it's 5 year service, plus I agree with the not passing on PPE. the big word there being Personal in this case. but they want it back or I'll get a bill. I was tempted at one point o cut the straps, not out of any spite, but I really do not agree with sharing harness kit.

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it is my (possibly incorrect) understanding that it is highly questionable in law to sell any PPE at a 'discount' or 'sale' price. PPE such as harnesses have to be sold at full price to protect the manufacturer/ retailer. All PPE most be of full working standard. Please remember that this type of PPE requires periodical noted inspections and a yearly full inspection by a competent person to be used in a working environment. You must have proof of UK purchase and therefore CE EU compliance with stamped loadings this is usually through the receipt and or preferably a Certificate of Conformity
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it is my (possibly incorrect) understanding that it is highly questionable in law to sell any PPE at a 'discount' or 'sale' price.


It wasn't a PPE salesman who told you that was it? ;)




The price shouldn't come into it - it should be just as good at stopping you from falling to your death regardless of price. If it only works 99 times out of 100 it shouldn't be sold no matter how cheap. If you get your biscuits from poundstretcher you can expect the occasional stale pack, this is different though.

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If you get your biscuits from poundstretcher you can expect the occasional stale pack, this is different though.


** laughs out loud ** ;)

I do agree though. that is what british/europian standards are about.

prices can vary widely on things. I've seen a petzl navaho harness ranging in price from £110 to £200. that's a big diffrence. Plus I've seen kits for £500, and the indivdual kit coming to only £450. so does that mean the cheaper versions of the same harness etc. is in some way infirior?

I'm just trying to find a good harness at a good price thats all. I have seen this same argument about crash helmets. the truth is that they all have to reach a standard, after that its just 'luxury' that you are paying for i.e. padding, quick release added compfort etc.

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You must have proof of UK purchase and therefore CE EU compliance


It has to be purchased in the UK or it doesn't conform to EU standards? :D

Dude, did you even read what you'd written there?

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If I read it correctly your work provider wants £500 for a set of year old fall arrest PPE. Unelss it is VERY special you could get a new set cheaper from RS therefore much cheaper from anywhere else. If the 500 gets you a good long self retracting lifeline and you want it then 500inc is a fair price, if it all meets inspection standards.
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talk to the guys at LYON or THE RIGGING PARTNERSHIP. if you go to Lyon (who are petzl's main UK distributer) then you can pick up a whole kit (i.e. navaho harnes double legged energy absorbing lanyard and other stuff) for well under £500. probably around £350. Dont be seduced by cheap construction industry harnesses with long single leg energy aborbing lanyards and the like. they are wofully inadequate for our industry.




Oh one other thing.......


I would NEVER bu and PPE equipment from RS !!!!

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RS has a convenient site with search and prices, and they have a branch I pass routinely. Sometimes their prices are high but their delivery is great. What I said was it CAN be found on RS therefore likely it can be found cheaper also. Of course a proper consultation with a properly trained dealer will give you better service.


Riggers on here will have their favourite fall arrest PPE. As the OP has used one harness happily for a year, is the best olan to buy the same style or to buy the next model.


Back On Topic, 500 is too much for basic harness and lanyard, you could buy cheaper. If there is more to the PPE they want the 500 for then it could possibly be value.

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It has to be purchased in the UK or it doesn't conform to EU standards? :D

Dude, did you even read what you'd written there?

yes I did,

the point is you have to have the physical proof (eg certificate of conformity), a piece of paper, to use it in industry - to my understanding.

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I think Seano's point was that you implied that something bought outside of the UK didn't comply to EU standards...the key here is the word EU. Obviously a harness bought in France should also comply with European Union standards! :D
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