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How to get into the business

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I regularly work with a dyslexic Chief electrician and a dyslexic flyman both of whom are well respected in the local scene.

Get some casual experience and try to combine it with furthering your studies, and good luck!

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I do understand where must people are coming from, Have you thought about applying to RADA and LAMDA nexy year like me they dont have a entry requiment like all the other colleges - The interview is the important part and having a good portfoil !



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I don't think that there is 1 definitive way to "get into the business"


The academic route can give a wide or narrow view of the industry depend on many factors such as your Tutors background and knowledge and the course aims and objectives. Your fellow students can help or hinder your ability to apply yourself fully and make full use of the training and knowledge on offer.


Working your way up from a voluntary position has many benefits and pitfalls and you will learn more about real life and how things happen in reality but may lack some fundamental theoretical information that may hinder you later in your chosen field.


The best advice I was given many years ago was this.


Practical experience is not worth double the theoretical information, you can't design, build, fix, light, sound, dress, paint anything without some theoretical idea of the outcome but in practise the outcome may differ from the theoretical idea.


Still confuses me that but I like it. :)



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