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Close Range rear projection - We Will Rock you


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We've got quite a few of these (WT610s which are their predecessors) installed at work in rooms where ceiling mounts aren't possible. They do work over very short distances, but they really need to project on to a rigid surface. Even the tiniest ripple of the screen completely screws the image up as the angle of projection is so steep. Positioning is critical too; move it forwards or backwards even an inch and the image changes dramatically in size and vertical displacement. They're bright on a 6' screen but I think they'd be a bit lost on the size of screen you're looking at.


I beleive that NEC makes an Ultra Short Throw projector that may be worth looking at. May not be powerful enough, but I know its been used for installed multimedia exhibits in the past.


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Try this for details of the Scenic Set




It seems clear from the plan that the director and scenic designer are ill-advised and unrealistic. The use of a cyc suggests that they expect a luminous background which will completely wash out your RP. They have been to too many high-priced industrial shows or concerts with LED walls, which is what's in their heads. The ridiculously small depth makes it clear they have no idea about projection. The omission of lecterns/rostra from the plan makes it clear that they haven't made any decisions or thought about the project beyond pretty pictures.


You need to give the political situation some more study before you contact vendors. My 2 pence.

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This is exactly why we did WWRY without any projection at all. It was a case of cobbling together something that worked or finding an expensive solution, or just being creative and working around it.


The projection is only actually useful around 3 times in the entire show for a "visual intercom" type effect, we just used a gauze panel instead and got rid of the corny Killer Queen bit right at the end of the show. The rest of the time, it's just eye-candy. Put the band at the back of the stage nicely staged and lit, and you can replace the projection with something much more interesting. I know that isn't much use to you in your situation, but it might give the director type something to think about instead of slavishly wanting to do what the West End version does.


Nobody noticed there wasn't any projection, not even the folks who had seen the West End version of the show.

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