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Why a 20Kw system?


What sort of distances do you on average need the system to throw?


What soft of dispersion do you need from the system on average?


What sort of SPL are you looking for as a general coverage, or are you looking to concentrate SPL in a specific area's and have diminished areas outside of this?


Sorry by 20K I meant in the 20.000 Pound price-range, I am fully aware that Watts does not say anything about performance of a system!


Throw is short-medium, in the 3-35m range.


Dispersion would be "enough" so that I could use one stack pr. side for smaller shows (maybe with a couple of small fills) and stille be able to array two together without too many phase-problems. So 60-70 degress would be ideal methinks. Maybe more if the design allows stacking two tops abobe each other like the XA2.


SPL-wise I should think that something that gives +130db/1w/1m perhaps a bit more from 50-120hz, would be enough.

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I agree fully with John.


you've been given a million and one suggestions as to system on the market which is good, it gives you a chance to look up the systems and see whats available where you are based, but I think there is a bit more to it than saying try this and that.



I notice the nexo bunnies are out again this evening. Were you expecting to array those 4 tops?



Now you've got an idea of some of the systems available, contact dealers and have a listen to them, see what works for you, get the dealers to work for YOU, afterall, you are wanting to spend a considerable amount of cash with them.



Also....... PM sent.

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if your going to need to array the tops for bigger events steer clear of nexo PS15's - they dont array well...

or indeed, at all...


I would not expect concert level sound from them for 800 people either. When I see 800 people I look at 800 peoples around tables rather than 800 in tiered seating simply because you are on the right end of the job then.

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Sorry by 20K I meant in the 20.000 Pound price-range, I am fully aware that Watts does not say anything about performance of a system!


Doh! Sorry should of picked that up really, will teach me to be so hasty with my replies.


I still however stand by my comments about auditioning as many systems as you can. You've obviously put some thought into the right areas already, which is good.


My feeling about asking such an open ended question in a forum like this, is beware that you will inevitably get suggestions of systems which the person suggesting hasn't even heard themselves. This I feel is not particularly useful information and I'm sure you've probably already done this level of research yourself.


If you come back with a short list of systems your interested in, with the parameters it needs to meet and ask for peoples first hand experiences, you will hopefullu gain some more useful information. This isn't aimed entirely at you, it applies to anyone choosing a system, particularly when you start talking the sort of budget you have.


Hope that proves to be some useful advice and I hope you chose the right system for you.

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Thanks for the ideas... Another person have suggested that I looked into used d&b, but the B2 scares me a bit...

What about packages similar to the HK Projektor? I really do not need the ability to go over 2 stacks/side.


A 'stack' of C4 is one 18" sub and one top. This means that you need at least 2 stacks a side in a shallow room, and in a longer room 4 stacks a side is a must. The B2 isn't that scary - it only weighs about 100Kg! Although if you're having to use the stairs, then it is probably preferable to use the rig without the B2s - you've still got the C4 subs, which in reality do most of the work anyway.



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I would recomend Funktion-one but that seems a bad idea. However they arnt small, but very British!



Why is that a bad idea?



I went on a new system hunt last year after receiving less than acceptable service from Turbosound. I listen to every system I could and only one system stood out and gave me what I believe to be a real advance in audio Quality.



So many systems are alterations or re-jigged combinations of the last box that didn't work and frankly don't come close.


This may seem like a "They have Funktion-one and think its the Best" post and Honestly It really isn't. I will happily demo a system time and time again for no charge to show you what it is and sounds like.


I have just come back from a demo to a customer where three companies were invited to Quote for a fairly large job and had to provide a demo. We all set systems up and "had our Turn". Now, I am not a sales man but the first company to demo thier system did a desperate sales pitch before demo-ing the systems abillity to cover the required area. it was desperate and when it came to the demo it was obvious why. the second company had a more profesional aproach and explained a little about the system etc and did the demo.


When it came to my turn I just demo'd the system (res 4's and F218's). The customer had a smile on thier face and walked around the area time and time again. Play the track again!. The only thing I said was "what do you think?" Reply, "excellent!!"


(the two other systems on site have been mentioned in this thread)


Needless to say, the job is ours and the contract was signed. Now, a good product speaks for itself and regardless of what the marketing budget allows, a system is only good as it is and not as good as the glossy paper claims it to be.


I set the system up on my own so it is small enough to be managable. (the demo system was capable of doing 1200 people although the job is for 15k)


If you are going to spend 20k don't buy a rip off copy of a line array or point source system that frankily doesn't work and sounds arwfull.


You can get a Res2 and F218 system to meet your requirements for that price. The Res2 has various flyware which will suite all aplications.

if you had a little more to spend you could get Res 4's.


The Res2 will also work on its own as a TRUE Full range box. This is the only box that we have come across that is full range.


Feel free to get in touch for a demo. Anyone is most welcome to come and have a listen, Anytime, weekdays or weekends!!






07743 857743

0800 0435730


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For speaker stack what about a nexo rig? 4 tops, 4 bass enhancers and 2 subs will only cope with about 13K though.


Which Nexo system?


What your describing Trunker says PS15 to me.

What about Martin W8? Although I agree with everyone who's said look at what the companys near you have.




Yeah sorry it is the PS15 rig forgot to meantion that


if your going to need to array the tops for bigger events steer clear of nexo PS15's - they dont array well...


Saint Davids' Hall in Cardiff don't seem to have a problem with this.........

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Saint Davids' Hall in Cardiff don't seem to have a problem with this.........


I haven't seen this install... I do remember a Martin system in there that had to have a large padded sheet of material placed between two main loudspeakers of the cluster, as they interacted so badly...


Of course you can put two PS15s side by side... It's just that with the asymmetrical horn (50 / 100 degree horizontal and 55 degrees vertical) there will be overlap at horn frequencies, and this will affect the integrity of the coverage pattern and introduce considerable comb filtering.

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