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Fat Frog + Movers


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I am going to be using 4 Mac 250s and a Fat Frog for a production soon. Once I have programmed the show when I come to run it will the movers move then open the shutter once they are it the position I programmed or open the shutter while they are moving? :unsure:





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The shutter may open while the Mac is moving. I have had this problem and the way I got round it was to move the Mac to the postion needed a cue before, then bring the light up on the cue needed, and therefore no unsightly moving lights spoiling your show. Of course this isn't always possible or practical, but something to think about. Anyone got any other ideas on this?
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Depends how you program the show. You can use "point cues" and have them follow each other- and program for example like this


Q 10 Movers on, pointing at drummer

Q 11 Movers fade out **wait/dwell until fade out has happened**

Q 11.2 Movers move to next position

Q 12 Movers fade up again


Or if you just program the cues with the movers moving and the shutter open between them... that's what will happen. It's all down to the programming.

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You also will want to look into partial programming of the desk. That way your generics and your movers can be programmed seperately. I needed that for my last show and it saved a lot of time. I was able to use the submasters to run most of the cues and then use the playback X control to control my mac 250s (where I hit GO and the macs moved, then slid up the fader to adjust the brightness).



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I was able to use the submasters to run most of the cues and then use the playback X control to control my mac 250s

Just to explain how to do that, in Superuser you can set what the submasters record as 'Generics only' or 'Generics and Fixtures'. Andy obviously had the board set to 'Generics Only' and then just recorded the fixtures in the cues so that on playback he could mix the two. Hope that helps.

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Theres also an option on the MACs to auto move while dark. If you look at the DMX chart for them it'll tell you what to set them to to do it.


I rather think that it's not an auto move while dark, it's a "put the shutter in while the lanterns are moving between positions" option. Subtle difference, but important nevertheless - if you enable it, any moves which you want to happen with the shutter out aren't going to.

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Could never get the b/o while moving function to work, started to think that it was perhaps something to do with if the fixture got kicked or an effect got jammed and reset itself, the unit would blackout till every things working fine again. Though maybe thats just something the new robes do & isnt related to this.


Just a thought.



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