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Cheers all.

Now I've had another good look at it all, im thinking of have a go at the G sub plans from speakerplan.com

using 2 x RCF L18P300 1000w rms @ 8ohm, I have the help and I can borrow some good tools.

Hopefully it should all go to plan.

cheers for every ones help. I'll stick some pics up once I've done them.


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Good man Alex! Go for it, you won't be dissapointed. By the end of it you will have a pair of cabs which will offer the same level of performance as the top end 2X18" reflex cabs.


Do keep us informed of your build, and if you get stuck with anything, just shout for help and plenty of people will offer it to you.


Good luck with your build Alex.

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All this talk has got me started on building some guitar cabs ** laughs out loud **. 2x12" celestion 8 ohm classic lead drivers in em, which are better than the drivers that the marshalls use (the g12-t-8) and will come to roughly the same price as a single 12" with all the badges n stuff
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  • 3 weeks later...
im thinking of have a go at the G sub plans from speakerplan.com


Hiya, I'm one of the mods over at speakerplans.


Read up a bit on reflex cabs before you dive in.


The most common piece of advice we give to people considering building double cabs of anything is to split them into two singles. For the G-sub, just cut it down the middle and add another panel on the bottom. when you put them together you'll get the same coupling affect as having it all in one cab, without the hassle of having to lug around a huge backbreaking bin.


Also consider, do you need 18" drivers. What program material will you be playing, will you need massive sub 40hz performance, etc?


A good 15" (neo?) driver in a well tuned box can have nearly comparable performance, whilst being significantly smaller, lighter and easier to manage.


There is a thread on the site showing some recent build pics of a g-sub by Insomnia. Even if you don't fancy a build yourself, maybe get someone to knock up the cab for you. There's a resource listing at the top of the 'For Sale' section which contains builders details


We don't allow advertising on the site anymore due to ructions caused in the past - so everyone is able to post basic contact details there for their services. Most have got pics of past builds on the forum somewhere if you search


Hope thats some help

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