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Painting windows

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We have painted windows at work. They are normal window size as well as 4 doors worth (think door size window double fire doors and another door size window). Only thing is that if they are directly facing the sun ( as our do) they will get HOT, and by hot I don't mean warm it is more like "quick get the eggs and bacon".
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the methord I use for temp use us to apply kitchen foil with water to the window then paint the inside black.fix it shiny side out keeps the heat out too. for more permant use pva or something to apply the foil. you could allways wse black wrap or one of the foils that's black on one side and silver on the other, look at the back of a lee gell swatch



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the methord I use for temp use us to apply kitchen foil with water to the window then paint the inside black.fix it shiny side out keeps the heat out too. for more permant use pva or something to apply the foil. you could allways wse black wrap or one of the foils that's black on one side and silver on the other, look at the back of a lee gell swatch




Hmm, I'm liking the sound of that one - it's dropped down my priorities list for now but will deff be thinking about doing it that way.



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wet the windows and cover with kitchen foil and paint that black.


if you do it right it looks good from both sides


it takes a little longer than just paint but the paint sticks better to the foil and when you are done the foil come off quite easily


and it will stay up for months if not years if it is not pulled down.

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I tried the kitchen foil method in an old venue years back. Windows faced the sun all day and the air pockets under the foil expanded and popped small holes in it. Made a gorgeous "planetarium" effect, the blackout not so good.
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Windows faced the sun all day and the air pockets under the foil expanded and popped small holes in it.
That's where your squeegee comes in, to get rid of the air bubbles!
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