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Austin Powers the musical

Big Jay

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ok, wait a min I'm 14, and I do all the lx design and lx operator, I could do this easily with what I've got up the school, 4 mac 250s and 2 mac 300s with some profiles and parcans, With the set up u've got, its pretty much simple, like people have said before use the physco gobo in the mac 250, maybe buy some more gobos in, but use vibrante colours in the par cans. (Pinks, Cyan) maybe add a bit of smoke in, or bubbles, to give a more retro kind of feel. Perhaps some pan and tilt sequences or colour/gobo sequences or dimmer sequences with the par cans. Oh and an other thing which I have seen which is quite good, use the mac 250 wash's doing some CMY changing, program some stuff in with the CMY and it looks amazing
This might sound stupid, but how can you be so detailed with your recommendations, when you've never seen the show, seen the script, and have no idea what's going on? ;)


I'd say what everyone else has said; read through the script at least two times (the first to get the general idea of the play, the second to start thinking in-depth about lighting ideas), get into rehearsals and get some ideas down on paper. Talk with the director and when you have some ideas, talk with them to make sure your design will fit in with their overall vision for the show.

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I could do this easily with what I've got up the school, 4 mac 250s and 2 mac 300s with some profiles and parcans, With the set up u've got, its pretty much simple ... {snip}

You can't possibly say all that, given that we, and therefore by extension you, have absolutely no idea about the particular production that the OP was asking about.


Can I Ask What Controller You Are Using??

Only if I can ask why it's of any importance whatsoever in this context ...

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haha I'm knackered and ill, give me a break. anyway off now cya

Well, not wanting to sound too 'parental', if you're up on the 'net at gone 11pm at 14, I'm not surprised you're knackered.

And if you're ill, then doubly so.


Sorry, and all that, but it's only us ol' f*rts who get to stay up late on a school night....! ;)

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hi all thanks for your replys they have been very helpfull, sorry if it seems like I'm asking you for all your ideas, I have only recently became intrested in the design aspect of lighting, I have only been a lighting board op. for the past couple of years, and to answer your question "younglighttechy" the controller I am using is the strand 520. but thank you for all your help.
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