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This is very true!

However, Congo has some extra built-in support over and above the normal network or DMX input dongle methods.


Congo can connect to the Arkaos server across an ETCNet2 network and download the Arkaos patch information - names and thumbnails of the content, and show them in the Direct Selects and Channel Layouts.


That said, I haven't personally tried the connection to a Mac-based Arkaos install, so I don't know if there are any pitfalls with this!

It works fine on a PC-based install of Arkaos.

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We do this with the Compulite Vector and it works with both PC and MAC based Arkaos media servers (and Hippotizer and Catalyst). On the MAC you just have to enable Windows Networking and set it up the same as you would on a PC and it's fine.
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  • 4 months later...

Just to let anyone who might be interested know, I have today, after months and months of complaints and fetching Coffee for the Boss, placed an order for a ETC Congo Jr with a Playback wing.

It's just like waiting for santa, but in January!

Thanks to ALL who helped me with the decision making, and for the demos I've had.



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