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Hippotizer Stage V3 (beta)


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Hello all,


I've just finished plotting a show on a hippotizer stage with the V3 software and enjoyed the transition - is anyone else out in server land loving the new version?


How does it compare to other stuff out there?


I've found the timeline component and putting the GUI on the network to be hugely powerful additions.


I spend all my days programming it and rarely get to talk to other people using it or look at other systems - so come on folks fill me in. :)

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The last time I used a Hippotizer, it was 2.2.something I think. Perhaps you could explain a little more about what's changed and details of what's new? It was a great system but unfortunately I had it for far too brief a period of time to really explore what it can do. (Eurovision was a pretty good showcase for Hippos though!)
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Firstly, They've lifted the user interface to another programme, which can be run anywhere on a network - you can have hundreds of the things in a rack somewhere and programme them from your laptop in the seating - you do need two screens tho if you're using the timeline


There's also a timeline component which means it can drive itself - you can programme every feature into a timeline - I always found it really clunky triggering servers from LX desks. It's been really cleverly written and is now a theatre-friendly beast rather than a sledge-hammer rock and roll tool. It's now really easy to control every feature without using 2 universes of DMX. you can set custom curves on fades and froup huge numbers of events into cues and shift them around a duplicate them really easy.


I'm currently using one in a theatre show - Projecting onto cubes placed by actors from a fixed Sanyo XP56 and a Publitec BeaMover moving yoke projector. I've been suprised by how subtle and accurate we can be -


The interface is a lot more flexible and they've fiddled with just about everything else as well - effects, fade curves, more layers in dual mode and lots more.


The only dangerous thing I feel is that it's all unlocked by USB pen drives - so if you lose one the show's up the spout.


I've only ever really used the Hippotizer - and only recently (six months) started doing video stuff - so I'm interested how it compares to Catalyst and others.


I can't upload he piccy I want as it is on a 'dynamic page' - not much of an internet boffin - I'll put the piccy in my profile if a mod can then add it to the post?


Moderation: Fixed and added as a thumbnail, click to view the full image.




Photo by John Pridmore Courtesy of Chickenshed


The show is 'as the mother of a brown boy...' at Chickenshed in July and then the Edinburgh Festival at Zoo Southide (as I know you're all interested- not a shameless plug AT ALL! (www.chickenshed.co.uk)

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