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High School of the Performing Arts


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some 420 dimmers, and 500+ Source fours, full fly system, wings, and high grid.


With that many generics and channels of dimming, you don't need any moving heads imo. I know it will seem like it will improve your shows etc, but I really would stick to using with conventionals. You can the put lanterns where you really want them to be, and get it to look exactly how you want, and if one designer insists of an effect that needs movers (a particular dragging spotlight chase etc) then you hire them in.

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the seachangers are excellent choice I love them they are a real aid to the LD, plus the change so smooth there is sometimes no reasion to wright a set-up cue on them. they are easy to install and the expression can control them with ease. I would suggest looking into Martin or VL moving head units because here in Florida the are easy to get you hands on and in the case of martin they might be willing to help you out with cost because you are a school, their headquarters are here in Miami and I know PRG in Orlando is a VL rep. hope this helps.
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Hi Aaron,


I know you won't believe me, but the best thing you can do right now to further your education and experience in lighting is to get lots of practice on the equipment you currently have available to you.


A conventional light can (arguably) do anything a moving light can, except change state by means of remote control. Since you have over 250 S4 ERS fixtures and 80 wash instruments (not including the 8 cycs and 12 strips), you should be able to create quite a few great looks with the instruments already in the space.


Of the 15 Main Stage productions (and all the smaller one-off events) that I've lit in that particular theater, I've only needed to hire moving lights for one show. And that was because every (and I mean every) conventional fixture was already being used.


If you're serious about furthering your career in Lighting Design, I would encourage you to spend time just playing with the fixtures there. When one of the smaller shows comes in (like a variety show or similar), come up with an idea and try it. Even if it seems like the stupidest idea in the world- try it. You might be surprised.


Second, get to know the console. You've got an Expression 3 now. ETC makes a very intuitive console, but there's a whole bunch of features and shortcuts that aren't so intuitive. Read the manual. Go in there at lunch and read a chapter and try the things it says. Don't skip sections even if it's dry and boring!


If you need ideas or suggestions on things to experiment with, email me or ask on the forums. Mr. Engstrom can give you my email address if you don't already have it.


Good luck, and I wish you the best.




Mr. Rahl


P.S. Please remember that when you post online you are representing the school and do have an impact on it's reputation.

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Too all those who have contributed to this I thank you very much. The theatre manager at my school and I looked over this thread the other day and talked about its replies. Upon all your words I think that the best bet is to rent. which I recently found out we can do so cheaply :P. So seachanger's still seem to be number 1 on the priorities list. they do seem to look like they could add alot to our venue and I'm greatly excited about installing them when they arrive. As for movers, I plan on grabbing a few for one of the smaller shows so I may learn more with them in our school environment at a point when there will be little stress. I can program them sufficiently so I was thinking maybe our next dance concert? In any event we now have an expression 3 which although is not the easiest, is certainly capable of moving control. May I make the comment to all I now realise moving lights have no place being purchased for a school except for a few exceptions and it is far better off for both the school and students (who are the focus in a school [I should have realised this sooner]) if fixtures are rented. No maintenance and only there when someone knows how / needs to use them :D Once again thank you all for taking time out of your busy days to help me set the proper attitude and mindset. You were all most helpful.



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