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How to Patch Mac 250s.

Big Jay

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An amateur drama group using movers in a play ? More then likely a waste of time. If you go to the West End to watch an "ordinary" play, you very rarely see moving lights, they are completely unnecessary. I imagine they want you to use them like follow spots. If they do then you are on a loser from the start.
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With all due respect, if you can't patch two moving lights onto a desk the company can't expect you to be able to program them effectively in a fairly pressurised tech rehearsal situation (and let's face it, techs for am-dram musicals are always fairly tense environments!). Given that fact, and the fact that it doesn't sound as though anyone else involved in the project has a clue either, is it really worth even attempting to use the Macs? Why not just use the equipment that you do know how to use, and concentrate on getting the best out of that? Seems like a far more effective use of everyone's time, with a greater possibility of a satisfactory end result. Getting the most out of moving lights takes some practice - if your first attempt at using them is coupled with lots of demands from the other members of the creative team, and a lack of time in which to fiddle about with them in order to get the best out of them, your experience (and that of everyone else involved in the project) is likely to be a disappointing one.


Oh, and to add to Bryson's list in the second post in the thread - once someone has replied to a post that you've made, it's considered very bad form to go back and edit the content of it.

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An amateur drama group using movers in a play ? More then likely a waste of time. If you go to the West End to watch an "ordinary" play, you very rarely see moving lights, they are completely unnecessary. I imagine they want you to use them like follow spots. If they do then you are on a loser from the start.



1. Why do you say its a waste of time, maybe he's using them for a specific reason ( maybe gobo animation or something a standrd conventional wont do! )

2. Im sorry to say, but West end productions are ever increasing the number of automated lanterns on shows these days, for instance, the new joseph production, The sound of music, WWRY, and the new ' Never forget ' production are pretty mover heavy!....

3. Completely unnecessary??...what...for EVERY application...?

oh and 4. .. its not nice to jump to conclusions and call people losers on such a public forum really is it?



Sorry if im the only one on this one...

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Hmmm..... ©

1. Why do you say its a waste of time, maybe he's using them for a specific reason ( maybe gobo animation or something a standrd conventional wont do! )
That's just the point - the OP doesn't know WHAT the company wants them for, it seems....
2. Im sorry to say, but West end productions are ever increasing the number of automated lanterns on shows these days, for instance, the new joseph production, The sound of music, WWRY, and the new ' Never forget ' production are pretty mover heavy!....
Very true, but those decisions are made by pro's who most likely designed the show THEN decided to use movers and spec'd the specifics...
3. Completely unnecessary??...what...for EVERY application...?
maybe a bit strong to say completely unnecessary in a straight play, but unlikely.
oh and 4. .. its not nice to jump to conclusions and call people losers on such a public forum really is it?
I don't actually believe he was calling the OP a loser - what he said was "You're on to a loser if the company want him to use the movers like follow spots"
Sorry if im the only one on this one...
think you may just be, there....


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1. Why do you say its a waste of time, maybe he's using them for a specific reason ( maybe gobo animation or something a standrd conventional wont do! )

Given that the OP has stated that he's been dropped into this situation at the last minute, seemingly not through choice and apparently more than a little over his head, I doubt that the use of moving lights for specific effects like gobo animation has been a conscious considered decision.

2. Im sorry to say, but West end productions are ever increasing the number of automated lanterns on shows these days, for instance, the new joseph production, The sound of music, WWRY, and the new ' Never forget ' production are pretty mover heavy!....

True. But if you take a moment to properly read the post to which you are replying, the author specifically stated plays. None of the productions you gave as examples are plays.

4. .. its not nice to jump to conclusions and call people losers on such a public forum really is it?

No, it's not nice to openly call someone a loser, but that's not actually what was said. Again, read properly before replying.

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Thanks for the support everyone. I certainly wasn't calling the OP a loser, but, there have been a lot of threads on the Blue room of people wanting to use Movers as follow spots. It just doesn't work.


Saying that all movers in a dramatic non musical play is completely unnecessary was a generalisation, but, in the 15 + plays that I have seen in the last 6 months not one has contained a mover.


Movers have there place, but, if I'm reading the OP correctly they have been ordered by someone who has no idea why he wants them or what they can do.

For an amateur production, which I imagine is on a very tight budget, to me this seems crazy.

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Moderation: Why is everyone being so tetchy? PLEASE PLAY NICELY! This is the third thread that the mods have had to wade into TODAY because of the tone it is taking.


Hi Andrew,


Yes, I admit to being one of the guilty ones here. Perhaps part of the answer is in the first line of your own sig.


Why didn't life's problems hit me when I was a teenager and knew everything?



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This link has a really easy-to-follow moving light tutorial on it - I suggest you have a look at it, print it off and if you can get some time on the console before the plotting session, then have a play. You don't have to have the movers plugged into the desk to get a handle on how it "thinks" and works. A lot of what's in the tutorial you probably won't need, but you should find enough info to get you well on the way.
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jonTake advice from paul!! he's the only one here being helpfullI dont know why everyone is getting at u especially sarah/leave him alone peeps!! the poor bloke is just asking how to patch mac 250's onto a strand 500. it dossnt matter what the show is or how many macs there are or how he is going to light it. Why do poeple have to keep asking loads of questions. ?jon is just asking a simple question which just needs a simple answer. if he chooses to take up the advice or not , thats up to him , but I cant believe this topic has had 23 replies!!!!!the end
Thanks for the support everyone. I certainly wasn't calling the OP a loser, but, there have been a lot of threads on the Blue room of people wanting to use Movers as follow spots. It just doesn't work.
And just to add to my back slash of comments on here , u can use movers as follow spots - all be it - with the tracker software and the radio pack on ya belt.yes yes I know this is an am dram show before people start saying stuff along the lines of 'he is hardly going to have that facility is he etc etc' I KNOW. THATS OBVIOUS , but just making a point thats all. Actually with the tracker set up, a mac 550 or a 250 wash light makes a lovely follow spot!! Ive even used it on the 'tanks' -PAL 1200's!
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<thinks back to my "lighten up" thread>


Surely people are over reacting here (as I think this forum is very guilty of normally).

Too many people (some from experience are more guilty than others) just like to quote others posts and break them down to show how "wrong" they were rather than acutally offering HELP/ADVICE

He clearly stated hes ONLYhelping out as the opperator is ILLand hes just doing a favour.


he came here for help, because yes he does not know. Part of someone not knowing, is also not knowing the "Perfect" question to ask.. Just remeber that when reading "newbies" posts.


Plus why cant movers be used in theater?

Lets be honest, they are just glorified profiles, so why cant they be used as such?

Just cause it can do a crazy disco effect doesnt mean it should be used as such.. you can use it as a basic white spot on a single point all night if you really wish too!! (ie a profile)


ECHO Lxbydesign:

OP dont be put off, paul posted some great info/help.

give it a bash! everyone has to learn sometime, unfortunattely your learning in the hotseat!


Have confidence

Find/Read the Manuals/tutorials

Download/Play with the Simulator


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jonTake advice from paul!! he's the only one here being helpfull



OP dont be put off, paul posted some great info/help.


So, I guess my post in which I explain exactly how to patch some Mac 250s on a 520 doesn't count then? :)


No. Thought not.


The point of the whole matter is that the original post (not the edited version you see now) did not have enough info to be able to answer the question. Now it does, and the question is answered.


I just stuck a fork in it, and guess what? This one's done.



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